does this happen in your cunt?
Does this happen in your cunt?
Comment doesn't fit the thread. Good photoshop btw
Sunken eyes are a sign of extreme drug use and sodomy.
what about my eyes?
I need to SEX you
What do these eyes tell you?
Feed & seed
registered 4channeler
>you will never be a swedish twink
Let me punish your butthole for mh17.
Glasses too big.
they tell me those eyes belong to a chud
In my country all the fags are interested in me, there was like one girl that liked me and the rest were all dudes, also they weren't feminine.
i can see the assburger autist under the makeup
no, I very much doubt he is swedish
he can't sneeeeeed
He isn't, it's some tumblr/twitter femboy
Jesus christ, I honestly hope the tranny got a real surgery to try and salvage whatever they could...
>hes back on the gayposting wagon
us both user, us both
i'm not on gayposting wagon
my eyes are like that but i dont do any of these stuff
araps are cursed to have them naturallly sometimes
Gay and trannyposting should be an instant permaban.
trannyposting and ERP should
gayposting shouldn't
int is a gay board
>tfw wanted to take break from Zig Forums gayposting yet I'm still here...
Me neither hahaha