Argentineans, will you miss Uber Eats?
Argentineans, will you miss Uber Eats?
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Tan jodidos estan alla abajo?
hay varios estados en mexico donde uber y uber eats estan prohibidos por los sindicatos de taxistas que no quieren que entren.
I just ordered some california rolls, feel good man ;-)
wh y are all companies leaving argentina?
They are turning into Bolivia (a.k.a. African-tier country)
¿Qué no Rappi es más popular allá?
We're going through a bit of a rough time, economy-wise. If things don't look up, I'm moving to Spain where I literally can't suffer.
>If things don't look up, I'm moving to Spain where I literally can't suffer.
oh no nonononono he doesn't know.
good luck finding a job boludo.
Argentinian sex workers in Europe when
Some of the venezualans have been really hot
just get a woman without paying like a normal human bro
Damn. Only first world countries have Uber Eats. You know who has Uber Eats? Poland. Guess what they also have: S K Y S C R A P E R.
why are they leaving?
Capitalism is the only way that could save Argentina and the rest of South America
uber started in my city, i dont know how they let this company operates, taxi drivers paid shit ton of money already and this fucking company want to ruin taxi drivers life men without paid shit to state so fuck uber
they are mostly trannies tho
Shut the fuck up, fat.
More like Niggertina
More like Hambretina
More like Chimptina
More like Subhumantina
More like Spictina
More like Biglippedbaboontina
they are brain washing you guys, there's always time to change your ways.
Enjoy your economic collapse, tankie.
>No argensimia
Did you actually believe, for a fraction of a second, that this would elicit even a quarter of a smirk let alone a single laugh from anyone?
dear argies: pls dont move here. ok? thx
why are they closing uber eats? can someone informed chime in?
>Did you actually believe, for a fraction of a second, that this would elicit even a quarter of a smirk let alone a single laugh from anyone?
Probably because Argentina is so poor now that they can't make a profit in the country.
couldn't have posted the argentinian version pleb?
I dont' think that's the reason. I belive it's because they have a hostile exchange rate and uber eats don't wanna keep argentine pesos. I could be wrong, that's why someone informed could expand on this
fuck taxi drivers lmoa
I mean, a collapsing currency would be in line with being "poor".
Maybe they should've gotten real jobs instead of relying on an artificial monopoly on driving people around.
Argentina isnt qsicialist nigger
That's shameful, even Poland and Venezuela has Uber Eats
>even poland
I'd be surprised if they didn't lol
not for long
Do not insult my friend Francisco Adolfo Weissmann.
You mean like for the last 100 or so years?
what is the dôlar blue
Could you believe? They even have skyscrappers
Thats why you dont vote for commies
>Be Argentinian
>Be fucking stupid
>Fucking invade UK territory
>Fucking dies
Said the fag who has a socialist for president lolololololololstayfucked
pls send burrito y tacos