What does your high school class look like in your country?

What does your high school class look like in your country?

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This was my class of 2015-16.

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The memes r real. U guys looks exactly as expected (cute)

I went to a Christian school, maybe that's why we look cute.

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What is it about anarchism that attracts absolute illiterate retards into it?

Los chavos lo usan de excusa para hacer bolita y quejarse de cualquier pendejada

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Holy shit dude, you class was packed with chads

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we are (ugly)

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You can see exactly who the British got their genes from...

my ancestors :)

we look nothing alike

Who the fuck is a chad in that picture?

arr rook same

>lets put the kid in the center

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think she is just an asian and hasn't yet hit her puberty


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wtf is that retard doing

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arr rook same

80% of these people became PhD students, lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, civil engineers, etc. Btw

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Imagine driving a tank over those capitalist pigs.

arr rook burger

mmmm hamburgers...

what about you ?

less ugly class so far.

how the fuck am i supposed to fit all of these niggers in a photo

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Graduated lewl skewl as well but didnt bother to pursue a career in it. Most of the people on the pic had really rich parents. Many were very arrogant too

>that jawmogger on the left


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my high school year

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