Why doesn't Spain and the Spanish like us
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I like galicia
It is my homeland after all
Galicia = Argentina + Portugal
Only bad things come out of Galicia.
Franco, Fraga, Rajoy and so many more.
you know now that I think about it you're right
Galicia is literally iberian hyperborea
puto indepe catalufo asqueroso ese con la estelada hjijodputa
At the end of the day, your Iberian putas go for Dominican BBC
Nobody cares.
And please, use question marks at the end of a question.
I care this is why I'm asking
What is that?
All brown scum looks the same.
You’re my ancestors señor Sanchez
>rapes our brown cuties first
>leaves and forgets about us
are we just a one night stand for you Spain? so mean...
This is why I made this thread.
Spain is very mean.
The French BVULLS took good care of our Dominican Sistas thoe
oh shit
You're not dominican.
But we love u! Hottest Spaniards bitches come from Galizia.
Yes I am
Ard those bananas there cuz you like to stick 'em up your anus?
if im correct is it due to the various regions that all have their own identities? seems like Spanish are very divided when I hear about them so it could make many people act grumpy and mean
Spanish are not a people.
Every region more or less sees themselves as their own people and do not believe to be united with others,
i see, sad to hear desu
>i see, sad to hear desu
I don't know why it would be "sad"
they are just different countries and people.
like why venezuela and mexico aren't one country or people.
>Every region more or less sees themselves as their own people and do not believe to be united with others
That's a big generalization user
most of the regions believe they are their own nation and people.
Valencians - ?
Catalans - Nation
Basques - Nation
Navara - Nation
Galicia - Nation
Asturias - Nation
Andalucian - nation?
Castile - Nation
Leon - Nation?
>Why doesn't Spain and the Spanish like us
Uuuuuuh are you fucking with the rest of us? One of the problems that galicia has is drugs though.
>One of the problems that galicia has is drugs
but user, drugs are based