Ever since I heard about this, I can't stop associating every Mexican flag with it
Ever since I heard about this, I can't stop associating every Mexican flag with it
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I bet they are having sex.
I can't blame you, really.
Watching the videos on Liveleak and Bestgore was one of the more traumatizing things I encountered on the internet
imagine raskha but without any rules of central morale authority. That's mexico
i recommend Hoodsite
>Ever since I heard about this, I can't stop associating every Mexican flag with it
His country doesnt eat the heart of their enemies imagine being that faggot
VGH.... just like my ancestors did :)
dark magic is common here. up there they call santeria
our witch doctors, called pai de santo here, usually go to mexico or bolivia to perform the most powerful magic. they claim our constitution here is more rigorous towards it but in those places they have an easier access can perform neat rituals that are more powerful due the use of human blood and bones.
a lot of politicians and famous people have their pai de santo
you could pretty much slice a truckload of goats but human vital energy is always more powerful
which is why umbanda is such a joke. their offerings are just fruits because the whites in rj don't like when pidgeons have their necks twisted
>mexico says
who the fuck is mexico?
Blogdelnarco.com offers you news and sometimes gore about narco violence in Mexico, too bad it is in spanish only
I mean, it kinda is an effective way to root out infiltrators if you think about it.
Mexico is full of low functioning sociopaths, literally never come here
Isnt it full of honest hard working people?
No, thats a meme, are you retarded? Only retarded people believe that shit, sociopaths usually lie and manipulate people into thinking they are good and hardworking
I watched all of those videos and didn't feel anything (im not a pussy) is this genetic?
lmao I live in miami and there's many shops dedicated to santeria, I've met many believers in it and I even found a beheaded chicken sacrifice, I think I even found an altar once
who would win if ISIS waged war on the Cartels?
both are true
mexico is the land of contradictions, like nietsches idea, opposing forces create strength
what's a floridian gf like bro
When will mental illness be taken seriously in Latin America?
idk, I had latina gf's, they were poor and had turd world families
I didn't have a white gf, there was one I could have dated and she was very thicc and liked latinos, she was nice but vapid
there's not really a south floridian culture, we are all rootless people from other countries or states.
judging by the fact that we (US latinos) live in a developed country where most educated people are not latinos and we still have a crisis of ignoring mental health, probably never
t. mentally ill
I like being who I am though and I dont believe in the help meme
ISIS wouldn't stand a chance
I am sure after a hard date of murdering and eating people cartel members hope on this anime website for some cheeky shit posting
1. Lack of empathy
Mexicans dont care if anyone is dying, being robbed,beated or killed in public, they will just look other way and mid their business
2. Disregard for right and wrong
Mexicans will easly rob ,lie, cheat whenever they can, they dont feel remorce, hence the popular bilief "el que no tranza no avanza"
"he who doesnt cheat,never wins"
3. Wit and charm
they seem friendly,funny extroverted but just because its fuels their ego and feeling of having control in social situations
4. Impulsiveness
they almost are always found buying out of impulse, a lot of them are so impulsive they end up killing just because a car crash
5. Arrogance
they are always looking for ways to shove their "culture" and how beatiful their cunt is in any conversation, the same with themself, they are always trying to talk about them
6. Aggression
i dont need to say anything, just visit best gore and liveleak.
years and years of pure senseless violence has made the average mexican a sociopath, not an inteligent one just a violent impulsive and aggresive one, the worst kind, you can se them betray themselves over and over again not just the average civilian does this, politicians do it to always
Cuban floridian, have a little experience with SantarĂa too.
It's a mix a catholicism and weird voodoo adrican shit pretty much. It doesn't involve canabilism or anything like that, that's just some bullshit spread by christians.
Nailed it. Mexican culture is rotten. Never appealed to me. I never even bothered learning spanish as a chicano
sorry for spam but I want to assess my mental health using this list
>dont care if anyone is dying, being robbed,beated or killed in public, they will just look other way and mid their business
Me, 99%
>Mexicans will easly rob ,lie, cheat whenever they can,
generally true but I don't lie unless I need to
>they dont feel remorce,
90% true
> "el que no tranza no avanza"
I believe in this 100%. I lied to get what I want many times.
>they seem friendly,funny extroverted but just because its fuels their ego and feeling of having control in social situations
I don't do this on purpose (usually) but I recognize the power it gives me
>buying out of impulse
I am very cheap but I do this occasionally. with stuff like sex as well.
>killing just because a car crash
I always think of killing anyone who makes me mad unless they're family
>looking for ways to shove their "culture" and how beatiful their cunt is in any conversation, the same with themself, they are always trying to talk about them
I'm too discrete to say it out loud, but sometimes I have these thoughts
I restrain myself but wish I didnt have to
damn mexicans are based
I like how whiteish cubans practice african and native traditions along with actual black people like haitians lmao.
coping self hating fag
you literally are describing ch*langos, bet you are dirty ch*lango nigger
ayudanme porfis
The Mexican flags on Zig Forums or middle and upper class nerds.
Not all cubans are white. Plenty are from Africa and there are even some from Asia. Usually the whiteish cubans don't practice it unless they've lost faith in the christian god (which is not very hard when the only church you're exposed to is one of the most corrupt)
Autism isn't known to be genetic, no
you in particular are one of the delusionals that think theyre especial and different, you are the same.