Bernard Lewis edition
>dogshit absurdly early Yank edition
Bernard Lewis, FBA[2] (31 May 1916 – 19 May 2018) was a British American historian specialized in Oriental studies.[3] He was also known as a public intellectual and political commentator. Lewis was the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor Emeritus of Near Eastern Studies at Princeton University. Lewis' expertise was in the history of Islam and the interaction between Islam and the West.
Lewis served as a soldier in the British Army in the Royal Armoured Corps and Intelligence Corps during the Second World War before being seconded to the Foreign Office. After the war, he returned to the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London and was appointed to the new chair in Near and Middle Eastern history.
In 2007 Lewis was called "the West's leading interpreter of the Middle East".[4] Others have criticized Lewis' essentialist and generalizing approach to the Muslim world as well as his tendency to restate hypotheses that were challenged by more recent research. On a political level, Lewis is credited with having revived the image of the cultural inferiority of Islam and of exaggerating the dangers of jihad.[5] His advice was frequently sought by neoconservative policymakers, including the Bush administration.[6] However, his active support of the Iraq War and neoconservative ideals have since come under scrutiny.
That's life (that's life), that's what all the people say
You're ridin' high in April, shot down in May
But I know I'm gonna change that tune
When I'm back on top, back on top in June
I said that's life (that's life), and as funny as it may seem
Some people get their kicks stompin' on a dream
But I don't let it, let it get me down
'Cause this fine old world, it keeps spinnin' around
I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king
I've been up and down and over and out and I know one thing
Each time I find myself flat on my face
I pick myself up and get back in the race
That's life (that's life), I tell you I can't deny it
I thought of quitting, baby, but my heart just ain't gonna buy it
And if I did think it was worth one single try
I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly
I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn and a king
I've been up and down and over and out and I know one thing
Each time I find myself layin' flat on my face
I just pick myself up and get back in the race
That's life (that's life), that's life and I can't deny it
Many times I thought of cuttin' out but my heart won't buy it
But if there's nothin' shakin' come this here July
I'm gonna roll myself up in a big ball and die
My, my!
discord can be fun when you are drunk prove me wrong.
sorry i feel bad now
I’m white
uh oh, looks like someone legacy is no longer useful to the jew.
literally cannot stop farting
you turned out alright
Heston blumenthal
crazy to think ww2 tank drivers had glenn miller and frank sinatra blaring in their tanks whilst shelling others
More a Deano man myself
platonically stroking my cock lads. shaved it earlier today, feels so smooth.
lmao no I didn't
you're memeing right
Yeah... fascinating that....
*turns around and talks to someone else*
*farts in your direction whilst your back is turned*
someone deffo brought a gramophone into the tank and had moonlight serenade on
Alri Emma
What is it that people actually want from federalism?
Devolving somewhere like Scotland makes sense. They want to take control of their own health, education, policing system etc. As a bloc, they have a different political mindset. And even though there aren't that many people in Scotland, they have the clout and shape of an independent country. For example, they can realistically have free universities because they have several world-leading universities to choose from.
Almost none of that is true for most of these regions of England. They behave as regions of one country - not nine separate countries. Yorkshire and London are the only ones that even have a coherent identity and none of them want to be locked out of the other regions. Lots of the rural and small town constituencies are better served by Westminster than they would be by Manchester or Bristol.
And I just don't know what's on the wish list. What is it that the people of the West Midlands would want from federalistation? What are they eyeing up that is currently being denied to them and they could realistically get?
You really can't rule that out happening at least a few times.
what music will zoomers play in their tanks for the upcoming Anglosphere/India vs China/Pakistan war?
cruela de ville
Federalism is a mistake, do not fall for it.
t. the federal states of america
alright then
is discord the brown mans domain?
>they have the clout and shape of an independent country
having a listen
joe rogan podcasts will be heard all over the Gobi desert
Which one of you started this thread?
>For example, they can realistically have free universities because they have several world-leading universities to choose from.
>hurr durr it can be free cause they are good
>completely ignores how the fuck they'd fund it
leftypol are retarded but scvottish leftypol even more so
John McAfee's twitter ramblings since he got arrested are really quite fascinating.
would heem any of you in halo CTF
absolutely phenomenal at it if I do say so myself
University was free for many decades. David Cameron and Boris Johnson went to university for free.
ok ok ill do another line lads
don't see your point
Pretty sad way to try and find a friend to play with
>if it once was, it can be again
Ah yes
Fuck Scotland and every Scot. Your entire national identity is based on a 19th century tourism campaign. Your politics revolve around the concept of "fuck you, pay me" and "I'm going to ruin everything for the rest of the UK just because I can" even though you shoot yourself in the foot every single goddamn time. Your national pastimes are suicide and heroin. You're so goddamn fat the only solution to your obesity crisis is to make food so expensive nobody can afford to eat. You all pretend you're a bunch of hardasses from time immemorial despite your national history being "...and then we were brutally and mercilessly raped into submission by the English" repeated several times. You're like someone took a look at the worst things about the Irish then said "I can beat that" except it's an unintelligible moan from a guy dying of alcohol poisoning in a puddle of his own vomit and shit. I'd call you the self-harming, inbred mongoloid version of Canada, but that'd be an insult to self-harming, inbred mongoloids.
Tories are good with money...
>The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) estimated the value of such a fund if it had been founded around the same time as the one established by authorities in Oslo. The think tank criticised the approach of the UK Government of the time, noting North Sea oil raised £166 billion in taxes between 1981 and 1990.
>The IPPR said that instead of establishing a fund, the UK chose to spend its tax windfall on reducing non-oil taxes.
>The report draws comparisons with Norway, which invested revenues from 1990 in a fund now worth over $1 trillion and states “had the revenues from North Sea oil been invested in a (UK) sovereign wealth fund in the 1980s, as happened in Norway, such a fund would have been worth over £500 billion today”.
only play ce
none of that zoomer shit
emmett is so amazing
4chans too slow for me lets chat on discord
is em french canadian or what? his name is garcin.
Someone’s having themselves a laugh with the new ads.
If Scotland or Northern Ireland left the union then the flag would need to be amended. But the flag is basically your entire brand image, it features on the flags of Australia/ nz etc also. so what’s gonna happen there?
>steal unnecessary money from the people and put it in the bank to inflate worthlessly over 4 decades and then the government can be rich
filthy bootlicking thieving cunt
his grandfather was I think
the rest is russian and irish and stuff
Any virgin freak in?
oh, so he's a literal mutt lmao
You’re an actual latrino
Unironically republican homos bitching to have the flag changed
im 70kg but sticcer than that guy ;_;
that's why he's called emmutt
Universities have always been historically free in this country and there was no reason it couldn't remain that way if they had continued to limit their admissions to about 10% of the youth population. Universities however were transformed by Tony B-Liar (War Criminal in Chief) into a paid company-customer experience in an attempt to cynically and artificially suppress youth unemployment figures which were stubbornly resisting the neoliberal dogma that freer markets and more privatisation would reduce unemployment (Protip: It doesn't). Now up to 50% of young people pay exorbitant fees to attend crappy polytechnic universities, have awful learning experiences and graduate with worthless degrees that aren't worth the paper they are printed on. And just imagine, Blair wanted 100% of all 18 year olds to attend university.
>steal tax cuts from the rich party donors and thatcher's mates who squirrelled those savings into offshore accounts
Don't think you understand what bootlicking is, you petrol-sniffing fat-nosed nigger cunt.