1. Country
2. Best nordic men?
3. Best nordic women?
1. Country
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There is no sexuality in Nord
all of them are beautiful and nice :)
my ancestors are smiling nord, you cannot say the same.
What do you mean?
Thanks *.*
Seek help faggots
Please expand
I dont even know my grandparents, much less my ancestors
>Please expand
Swedish men combine Nordic aesthetics with the most pleasant personalities. Danes are total normalfags and basically German, Norwegians are smug, Icelandic men are possibly even more autistic than Finns.
Icelandic women are simply so much more attractive than the others that the personality defects don't matter.
they all look the same
No we dont wat
I didnt know people actually liked Swedish personalities, from what I heard everyone thinks we're arrogant
>from what I heard everyone thinks we're arrogant
It's a stereotype here, but as far as I've experienced it's more true of the Norwegians.
>you will never acquire a Nordic boyfriend because competition is too high and you're ugly, bald and fat
Why even live
We've established you're none of those three. Please don't start this again.
>tfw no russian bf who thinks he is ugly, bald and fat but in reality he's really cute just need to work on his confidence
I'm gonna be honest the swedes I've met online who didnt know I was swedish acted like total cunts towards me, but that was in videogames which is obviously not the average swedes
I'm working on fixing it don't worry
Fixing it how?
Alright then
You are ugly, balding and fat. Your head is too small for your shoulders and you look like a chinlet rat.
Cutting 10 kilos, getting abs, taking care of my hair
2. Best nordic men?
3. Best nordic women?
Working on yourself is always good but you're not ugly right now, no reason to tell yourself that even if it motivates you to be better
Nah I really let myself go in past few years
At least in school I could skip classes without consequences, spend this time walking and thus keep being thin.
I think all fat people are ugly
We are more arrogant than Swedes? I don't believe you
I agree fat people are ugly but you havent really looked fat in the images you posted.
But you know yourself best so not much I can say
>tfw swedish father finnish mum
>tfw best of both worlds
feels good man
fins are funniest so my favourite
finland for men
iceland for women
but all of your arabic ancestors were just as feminine as the 150cm lanklet you are now
Nah i looked chubby kinda, especially in belly, chin and hands area
But this thread is not about it
Post voice
This is 10/10 in scandinavia
Nords are a bunch of asexuals.
you are not chubby, you are actually fat as fuck