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International #1328
What is the best Brazilian state?
I weight 52kg
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/fr/ - le francofil
Are there foods made of blood in your country?
Your cunt
Daily reminder that euros protested because some american crackhead died
Do girls in your cunt normally approach men for smooches/sex? In Brazil, not only they often make the first move...
It seems they were right
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
Is this German right?
/eag/ - East Asian General
Post the cancer of your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
If you live in this area you have moral obligation to learn until fluent at least one indigenous language of your...
There are people on here RIGHT NOW who have never seen snow in their life
Why isn't it a superpower?
Why do you deny the holocaust?
Whats his endgame
Do Americans really let deadly pandemics rage in their country without trying to control them?
I fixed Mexico. Restore native languages and banned Spanish
Flags that pretend they're relevant even though they aren't
Thoughts on finland?
Sverigetråden - Kaosupplagan
Janny you faggot
95%+ hispanic population
The more i socialize the more I understand why high class separate themselves
1.your country
/ita/ - il filo
Fact : You can't have more peak and comfy Europe than this
Which country has the CUTEST girls??? Do you think it's your country?
How does pic related make Zig Forums feel?
I want to immigrate there. How do I go about doing that?
What happens if I convert to Orthodox Christianity?
Why are Koreans so much better at making music than Japanese?
Do polish girls like southern italian boys?
Meds and nords please for the love of Christ just fuck already. We can feel the sexual tension from across the Atlantic...
Chad Muslims vs Virgin France
Why are Muslims so angry at us? I don't get it
British cuisine thread
>be brown >be called pajeet online >be called streetshitter
View from balcony thread
I replied with two laughing emojis
/lat/ hilo latino
Every human on earth vanished without a trace besides white males and Asian females aged 18-29
Hey Int, have I told you lately that I love you?
/fr/ - francofil
Would these portions be considered small in your country?
How much do you love argentina?
Hands of Zig Forums
Is bullying common in your country? Do you have any experiences with bullying (either as a victim or as a perpetrator)?
Based China wrecking western (((profits)))
Poles in Bergen city, Norway are protesting today against the abortion ban in Poland...
Europeans can just ride a bike to their neighbour country
Tfw living in Spain
/flag/ + /Extraflags/
Your country
Germany is the best European country. Here is the proof
Would I be considered a chad in your country?
You wake up
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
1.your nation
Two countries
Is dating hard for young straight men in your country?
1. Your country
Whites are the most opressed group in 21st century. Being white is incredibly stressful
What goes on here?
Post chips from your country
/fr/ - Le francofil des frankop1s
Does this happens im your country?
The regions of Ireland
An American buys you lunch and hands you this
How are the Balkans in terms of tourism?
Tfw ethnostate
Sverigetråden Mysiga Vinter-upplagan
Why do they hate each other?
Why are Latinos so classist? I knew one Latin guy in Europe and he met a girl from his country here...
Why are Zig Forumscels like this?
When was the last time you cried?
Can one of my frenchbros translate this for me?
Why are they so cold and reserved?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
/desi/-Me on the Right edition
What's your racial preference?
Do you support the Sino-European alliance?
North macedonia = a country
/ita/ - Il filo
/fr/ - Le francofil
I suffer in Rohan
Why do amerimutts think communism is so bad when they've never tried it themselves...
The truth is that maghrebis are the anti heros of the world
What are they discussing, Zig Forums?
Which country has the sexiest men?
How did this hairstyle become so popular in the netherlands?
What is your favourite bakery product r/int?
1) Your country
Overestimated shithole
Sverigetråden Känslo-upplagan
In what country do I find the most white guys with black hair?
To all the mega-autist germans of Zig Forums...
Are people in your country interested in science in general?
Why do Europeans call Americans mutts when our ancestry is still 100% European...
Thoughts on my country and its people?
Please pray for our Italian brothers
Zig Forums atm
Do you hate your heritage, Zig Forums?
/lang/ - Language Learning General:
Which one do you prefer in your country?
Post the most beautiful woman from your country
Why planes are still not forbidden? Why the hell we need these air coffins?
Does your country completely destroy its nature for coal?
When will Greece pay debt?
They should reinstate gun rights for Mexican citizens...
This is a 10/10 in Britain
Why do europeans literally worship a middle eastern man as god?
He still believes in a sky daddy world creator from old fables
/ita/ - il filo
WTF! Is he correct Asian bros??
Do people read a lot of books in your country?
What do Americans think of Moroccan people?
Are white italians hated by brown italians in Italy?
Question to pro-LGBT countries
8 days until America starts another civil war
Why is there no Spanish-speaking 1st world country in the New World? France has Quebec. Anglos have USA, Australia...
Sverigetråden Estelle-upplagan
Americans and other whities unironically celebrate halloween
What's it like being argentinian?
I present to you the French """"liberté"""""
Do you feel safe in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
/fr/ - Le fil francofil
If you're not asian, you'll never know how it sucks to have your "family", which includes even distant relatives...
Damn, manlet empires btfo
Ylyl Zig Forums edition
Do you have Nordic blood in your veins?
/ita/ - il filo
Is autism common in your country?
Is it true that nordic people look down on us and they see us more like MENA people than europeans?
Yes, you can't kill unborn children here :)
How much fat did you gain or lose during quarantine?
Why does Pakistan exist?
1. Your country
I want to live a comfy life in Istanbul, you can live like a king there if you earn euros
Shall i just quit my job and run off to live in a random EU country before the gate shuts in january?
Mr Tanaka, who is retiring tomorrow, is invincible
How does Ireland do it
Sverigetråden KOOOOM-upplagan
What does this image say? I dont speak russian
/deutsch/ 2.0 Internet ist Neuland
How many of these girls could pass as locals in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is their language impossible to learn if you can pronounce the letter "R"?
Is there any country in the world as miserable as this shithole?
Why are mexican girls attacking poor asian boy?
Do you believe in Jesus, Zig Forums?
Are Germans enjoying this epic?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why do philippino looks like latinx?
Christianity is POZZED. Muslim chads won again
Why are they so desperate for western acceptance (and cock)?
Will ever get a bf bros
There are NEETs browsing Zig Forums right now
/ita/ - il filo
Your nation has designed a plane at least as cool as the tomcat right?
ITT post anything related to real life mysteries, unnerving horror stories and local folklore from your cunt
Kurva anyátok
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Tfw no wide athletic french gf to breed
How do we make Turkey european?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Let's be honest here: if you are a firstie and you have a shitty life, it's probably your fault
Russia is bigger than australia
/ESP/ dictadura edición
How would Hitler react if he found out he’s related to Somalians?
/ita/ - il filo
You wake up in Skopje, North Macedonia
Sverigetråden Mysmorgon-upplagan
What are your thoughts on the Anglosphere?
Do you love albania?
Will i ever get a gf bros
Fixing the MidEast's borders
Kurva anyátokat
What ethnicity of women are most beautiful without makeup?
Does this happen in you are a cunt?
Were there black Roman emeprors?
Zig Forums 2nd Taxonomy Council
I suffer in Brazil
Why dont they have any recognizable culture despite their size and population...
China is world's oldest continuous culture
Do you love LATAM?
/desi/-Periya Kovil edition
Which Greek are you?
What is the one thing that is the biggest contributing factor to your inability to achieve success
Why are there only 10.7 million people living in greece? theyve been a civilization for thousands of years
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /ܐܝܣܪ/ - /isr/ - מהדורת בוקר יום ראשון
Blessed image
Who the fuck names his kid "Hunter"?
If you have this, you’re a thirdie
Please stop being so mean to me for being american
Why are Zoomers so obsessed with Socialism/Communism?
/eag/ - East Asian General
/lat/ hilo latino
These are the 5 races of Europe
America is dystopian as fuck holy shit
Why are Germans so rude
Why don't they ever do anything anymore?
I am so sick of the Fake News trashing and slandering President Trump every damn day
Why French men are either ultra masculine blokes or nihilist bohemian /fa/ twinks from 70's films?
Soyjack is probably the most retarded """"""meme"""""" to ever come out of this site. Soyjack is the absence of any new...
Are Jews the only nonwhites that can produce white passing offspring?
I fucking love Coldplay
Thanks to interracial porn i've become sexually attracted to black men. does this happen in your country?
Countries without proper names
What happens here?
Explain this, Japan
Do they?
Programmers of /int assemble :)
The average American is a nice guy. So why does Zig Forums hate us?
What happens here?
If your country is in the top 5 of any graph on this image, tell me why you aren't moving out
I want to talk about the Mexican Revolution. WWI has been talked about ad nauseam...
1. Your country
Why can't they into bilingualism?
The TRVE flag of "Peru"
/fr/ - Le Francofil
ITT signs of a third world nation
Fun fact
I am converting to the one universal (catholic) church and went to mass earlier today, ama
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
We're going to heaven, bros
Can you pronounce the word 'rural'?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
ITT: we post things only us Americans get
Winter time
Alakazaam! You now live in a random country! What do you do?
How do we solve this problem
What is it like to live in west Virginia?
Make your ideal gf
Happiness Thread
Why do I have a massive urge to take a holiday here?
Who's your favourite american?
You will never be European
Ok which one of you was this
ITT: post your countrys proper borders
Name 5 famous people from Texas without using Google
Why do Americans speak English?
/deutsch/ und /nachtschicht/
What’s the best sex position?
Join the game
What's some of your neighbour countries cuisine, pic related is sweden's
Do you love China?
The most based African country prove me wrong
Does your country produce thought provoking cinema?
How come American high school students read literature from around the world but non-Americans don't read American...
It's been a while since we had one of these threads
Do you play stradedy games, Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - baneupplagan
What year did it all go wrong for you? USA 2007 when I started college and realized that girls thought I was ugly
/ita/ - il filo
How many personas do you have here on Zig Forums?
/fr/ - le francofil
Ahem. FUCK germ*ny FUCK france FUCK t*rkey FUCK european union LONG LIVE HELLAS WITH RUSSIAN BROTHERS
How long do you reckon it'll take before a amerigoon gets killed by an IA driven car ?
What country has the best electrical outlet? I've heard the Italian one is the best
Does this happen in your country?
What happens here?
Hacker man gets into sensitive healthcare files
Would you date a girl with autism?
I have covid and have to stay isolated until 3 November. I live completely alone, so I will be completely isolated...
Buying a boat
Dragon Ball Super
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2440
/lat/ Hilo latino
Vocaroo thread
Your country
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
What's your favorite African country?
Dear Swedes
Another day, another Belgo-Swedish alliance thread. Get in here
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the USA. If you made 80k a year. Your work in remote
Would you rather live in Australia or Canada?
1. cunt
Why did this Turk mean by this ?
Does this happen in your country?
If you were Indian what would you do?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Europeans hate immigrants, muslims and Russians
Name more gayer language than Swedish
October is Islamic Heritage Month in Canada
The average chinese city looks like pic related
Sverigetråden Oskulds-upplagan
Your cunt has just been assigned as proving ground for a population of 10.000 cloned mammoths
This is an europe I would fight for
Euros laugh at the hyperconsumerist photo of Breezewood PA but this is what France looks like
/ita/ - Il Filo
/ita/ il filo
/fr/ - le francofil
Please don't think too badly of Americans. Yes, many Americans are extremely racist, particularly towards Blacks...
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
The girl sitting behind me on the train is crying
How can I move to Finland?
Anyone wanna play?
Germany is God's gift to the world
Do you have any good friends
How common is autism in your country? Here about 1 in 50 kids are diagnosed as autistic nowadays
No way
Is Poland getting better than Germany?
Why do white people hate themselves? I’m black and I think white people are alright
My favourite international food?
Are they seething over Borat 2?
Turks look like THAT!?
Halloween is a week away, do people have fun with this holiday in your country? Or are you generally nofun?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/fr/ - user fait son premier fil
30% of the population of london is from other countries
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends:
Explain this americans
Today I experienced racsm
What do suburbs look like in your country int?
Sverigetråden Här Ska Jag In-upplagan
Do people in your country beat up lgbt people?
Which part of your country is the best part?
When the anglo says "how are you"
Why did wearing a mask become a literal cult for people
Holy shit
Were Britons ancient beings, impossible to comprehend?
/ita/ - il filo
/fr/ - Le Francofil
I'm algerian
I just realised...
/desi/-GOATric edition
Why do you love Australia?
African countries are way more populous than I imagined. Fucking Nigeria has over 200 million people...
Why are they so obsessed with guns?
Why are they so bad?
Poles live like THIS???
Sverigetråden Lördagsfest-upplagan
Tell me some unnerving horror stories really happened in your cunt
We are white
Watch scary movie
What are arthoes like in your country?
I am Occitan, not Fr*nch
1. Country
Why did Brazil fuck up so hard these past 30 years?
Do you love finlan
I love Australians now
How do I migrate to Ukraine?
These are the only European countries that need to exist
Your cunt
9 A.D
/mena/ Middle East & North Africa General
Western men traveling anywhere overseas... should live in constant fear of pic related. What he did...
I have a question to Korean
Why is it ok to portray my ancestors as the bad guys in movies and video games
Why are they so bad at video games?
I was born and grew up in Sao Paulo
Why are australians like this?
South Slavs are everything that east and west slavs wish they were
Map thread
What is this body type called in your country?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Why are they so angry all the time? never met a friendly pole in my life
Do you support the rattachement du Québec à la France?
Do anons here really hate women?
1. Your country
Poland has the region's largest economy (GDP PPP total of US$1.353 trillion,[23] ranked 22nd in the world)...
Do people eat this by the spoonful in your country?
/ita/ - il filo
Alright Zig Forums, let's play a comfy poker game
How is it even possible to live in a country with 1.5 billion people? I can't even comprehend this shit
Croats on Zig Forums be like
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2439.2
Mum using personal facebook to shitpost about the france teacher affair with
One race the human race
What's the poverty, unemployment, alcoholism, depression ridden region in your country?
Why is the russian auto industry so small and irrelevant?
What Scandinavian country is the best?
I'm unable to grasp the message the author of this piece of imagery is trying to convey
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Aha! Can you meet sex?
/fr/ - le francofil
I have never eaten taco's in my life
Why did gauls lose?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine