1.your nation
2.make your ideal gf
1.your nation
Other urls found in this thread:
Don't need to. I'm married to her.
not this shit again...
>1.your nation
>2.make your ideal gf
why do you want people to use this shitty website so bad
Jannies deleted my thread about this and im furious but here she is- the alcoholic turkish gf
Due to an shitty rule I cannot post Twilight Sparkle from the hit show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic so this will have to do
You are a disgrace to your ancestors.
just clicked random shit
never come to Turkey mehmed you arent welcome you gurbetçi cuck
very pale for a turk tho
i'm german retard
>blue hair
Immediate red flag
nah my ex's skin was very pale too and we got alot of pale ppl where i live even tho its one of the hottest regions of TVRKEY
Imagine living in a country named after a bird lmao
who cares
i dont want a gf so i made myself
really? i thought pale turks only exist in your movies then again i never visited turkey btw where in turkey you from?
I care. Ponyfuckers are sick freaks. Moefags get the rope too.
>Imagine living in a country named after a bird lmao
Smoking is bad for you
she has autism
Girl I am currently dating
Med region, close to southeastern anatolia. My city is famous for its kebab and its fucking hot summers. You'd expect everyone to be tanned but girls are usually pale
so the whole turks are white thing is actually true?
Go fuck an animal.
Race isnt skin color. Turks are still asiatic, like Iranians.
I think depends on area, saw a turkish girl around here who was as brown as me apparently born to immigrant parents in switzerland but she was probably from a different region
Yeah, I know but it makes me feel relaxed.
here you go
>has blond hair
R8 my ideal gf úwù
she is a black nazi
Ideal gf
is that brie larson?
Sailor Uranus
dont mind if i do
anatolians have been a sedentary population for a long time. they could spend more hours inside, protected from UV radiation. additionally in bronze age many balkan and caucasian people migrated to asia minor. and the migration of the pale, beautiful people kept only coming in byzantine, crusader, ottoman period. you can even find blond syrian kids and red haired kurds this way.
checkmate. lan sen nasıl foto yükleyebiliyorsun? Zig Forums beni engellemiş. bulunduğunuz konumdan foto yükleyemezsiniz diyor.vpn mi kullanıyorsun gey piç
>tfw no tamil need gf
I don't want anymore naarthie thots brehs
>mfw multiple of these look like me
>mfw they are all made by third worlders
metalhead waifu vgh....
Here's the plain skinny pajeeta at my workplace I wanted to ask out for lunch before Corona-chan happened.
everything else is mediocre taste
made for BMC