Blessed image
Blessed image
There's nothing based about pretending to serve God. If there nuns and monks really wanted to serve God they would preach the Gospel in the streets.
That's a boy btw.
I thought this was hot until I realized its a dude. Fuck yourself you dumb faggot OP.
There is nothing blessed about a crossdresser
They did.
>tfw no shota bf who is into cosplay
>he says from his armchair
You're not cute
He needs to be captured by the ottomans and turned into a Jannisary CHAD
No, but shotas are.
Ayo why yall homosexual n shiet?
are you making these user?
you should make one of me. pic related
>are you making these user?
Swedes are orange.
Protestants were a mistake
Imagine the rape...
Good to know. Good to know.
I thought you were pale and pasty like britons.
I think I like the orange and gold even better.
repent sinner
We only look like that in the summer though. Here's that same arm now.
Jesus forgives homos because white nations legalize same marriage and promote LGBT
Well that's cool. Like an artic fox or a hare.
swedes are muts u had tons of slaves from all over the world intermixing with you that's why you are not pale but orange/olive/yellow skinned that is also why you are mongoloids
Jesus watches.
>shota and loli incest
This is so fucking ugly
Me on the left