Blessed image

Blessed image

Attached: 84570551_p0.png (900x636, 996.5K)

There's nothing based about pretending to serve God. If there nuns and monks really wanted to serve God they would preach the Gospel in the streets.

That's a boy btw.

I thought this was hot until I realized its a dude. Fuck yourself you dumb faggot OP.

There is nothing blessed about a crossdresser

They did.

>tfw no shota bf who is into cosplay

Attached: 70429140_p9.jpg (1378x1378, 1.56M)

>he says from his armchair

You're not cute

He needs to be captured by the ottomans and turned into a Jannisary CHAD

Attached: 1582747278518.jpg (730x1095, 72.45K)

No, but shotas are.

Attached: 70429140_p0.jpg (1378x1378, 970.79K)

Ayo why yall homosexual n shiet?

Attached: c65.jpg (680x411, 62.34K)

are you making these user?
you should make one of me. pic related

Attached: marranon.jpg (510x680, 83.57K)

>are you making these user?

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Swedes are orange.

Attached: 1594919351173.jpg (3024x1700, 2.21M)

Protestants were a mistake

Imagine the rape...

Attached: 08-37-38-1602698757073.png (1143x1894, 1.29M)

Good to know. Good to know.
I thought you were pale and pasty like britons.
I think I like the orange and gold even better.

Attached: sauna.jpg (792x469, 39.66K)

repent sinner

We only look like that in the summer though. Here's that same arm now.

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Jesus forgives homos because white nations legalize same marriage and promote LGBT

Well that's cool. Like an artic fox or a hare.

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swedes are muts u had tons of slaves from all over the world intermixing with you that's why you are not pale but orange/olive/yellow skinned that is also why you are mongoloids

Jesus watches.

Attached: jesus_sees.png (615x300, 185.07K)

>shota and loli incest

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This is so fucking ugly


Me on the left
