Attached: bandera-chile.png (1200x800, 5.09K)

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Is the referendum today?

yes, there is a lot of expectation about it.
For now, "apruebo" already won in New Zealand

>new zealand

All you right wing boot-lickers can fuck right off.
I don't expect the new constitution to be perfect, but it'll be better than the current one.

Here are some measures that can be implemented:
If taxes on corporations were doubled they'd still be lower than the OECD average.
Progressive higher taxes on the rich.
Education requires a drastic revaluation, with higher funding and tighter quality control.
Too many regions and duplicated bureauocracy, amalgamate into five regions and avoid
the regulatory capture that comes with easily corrupted smaller governments.
Greater enviromental protection.
Actively seek to integrate native peoples into the republic.
Establish R&D centres across the nation, aim for 3.5% to 5% of the GDP.
Each industry/sector should establish not-for-profit retirement funds, and give the public
the option to choose.
Health clearly needs more funding and quality, but that is a huge topic unto itself
(like education).

But all these things need to enforced, not just endlessly discussed.

*chileans in new zealand

Did you vote?

Posting for historic relatedness

lmao fachos are seething

they're getting creepy...

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This has to be a falseflag

Where can I go see fachos seething?

just voted lads

maybe, maybe not. I've seen worst
the truth is, we're polarizated af right now, almost USA level of polarization

holy based kill all commiedogs

Except right wingers are clearly a minority. They've always been.


Attached: DW_GUpoVoAA1JNl.jpg (708x800, 63.86K)

a minority that absorbs most of the wealth

vota repruebo constitución mixta

I hope you make a decent constitution and not "the people have all the rights, forever, and the money shall come from the sky out of the sheer beauty of the words written in here." There is such a thing as too many rights for the worker, which then become almost impossible to take out (look at France).

>be inhabitant of most successful country in south america
>fuck it, I want to live in Argentina of the pacific

>>be inhabitant of most successful country in south america
the whole point is that most of us don't see that so called "sucess"

>killing dogs to make a political statement
These people seem very sane.

You'll life won't change with a new constitution though.

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So why are people with frog avatars on twitter crying so hard about one?

every option is a shot in the dark anyway
i'll take the risk
I already vote apruebo and cc

Of all you wrote, only two are actually addressed in the constitution.
This is why I think this whole thing will be a failure. People believe this new constitution (whose contents nobody knows yet) will transform Chile into a utopia or something. When in reality most of the constitution is ideological in nature.

Because they believe it will turn Chile in Venezuela.

Ok but then do you not see how mutually exclusive those statements are?

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Yes, but the first is my opinion, the second is the opinion of "people with frogs avatars on twitter".