Cooking edition
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
not impressed with this image
my ancestor
i cant cook but for you ill learn
(thats what im gonna tell my bf when i have one)
You guys ever just want to dig a hole? A really deep one. I wonder how far done I could go.
U see this soyboy at the local grocery, what do
make me a taco
I would be mad if my gf told me that. learning to cook takes years and years
u not my bf
Push him over so he can’t get up
t. dog
you just literally put stuff on a pan and thats it how hard could it be
Threadly reminder that I'd fucking end Jason in a fight.
White paws typed this post
>pull out pocket knife
>stab hole in his fag pod
>coof on him
heh, nothin' personal kid
It's true
there could be dogs posting in this thread right now o.O
imagine being near a tranny ew
Wow ok. I know this is a gay bar but even I didnt expect blue drinks with edible glitter. I do have to admit it looks pretty good in the neon lighting though.
daily reminder that dogs are DISGUSTING
compliment him on his sick gear
there's a million little techniques to learn, along with developing your own palate and knowing what's going to be good and what's going to be gross. it takes a lot of experimentation, and a lot of people never really learn. my parents are both awful cooks, but they're set in their ways. anytime i'm visiting and i offer a suggestion for next time, they get offended and refuse to listen to the constructive advice
how are the guys
are they masc looking or femme looking
Cringe post
Turn off your computer right now
jason is cool
I'm not a dog fan but your opinion is completely irrelevant
literally just follow the recipe lol
you gotta do the cooking by the book~~
>how are the men? do they look like men or do they look like women?
a trans-vag is a million times more disgusting than even the most filthy dog
>marvel tats
like pottery
im on my phone :)
Give it a spin then, and confirm your theory that it's that easy.
The one couple I can see clearly is a clear bear-twink pairing. Most of the rest of the customers are lesbians, oddly enough.
ale cant cook hates dogs has a penis how does he think hes gonna get a bf
that's not my mom's problem, but that's exactly what my dad does wrong. he has no cooking intuition, so anytime he's making something, he follows the recipe exactly
>this thing is already burning? whatever, the recipe says it needs another three minutes
recipes are for babby tier cooks, i basically never use them
Men can have a bf
But it doesn't hurt to not be mentally ill
don't forget his horrid personality and huge schnozz