Buying a boat

Anyone else considering buying a sailboat and just sailing around to different countries and experiencing the world?

How hard can it be?

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You'll need a lot of training and someone experienced to instruct you. Otherwise it's a suicide trip.

Fucking mainlander subhuman.

I always had this idea that if I were a Nord, I’d buy a boat and sail around the Baltic Sea, the North Sea, check out the Faroe Islands, Iceland, the Shetland Islands, etc.

There's this Youtube-channel where an American man sails with his Swedish wife and kid all around the globe. I can't recall the name of the channel now.

it's just the truth. Would you send someone who's never been to the sea on a world trip? Sailing is easy if you know what to do. These people don't.

No, I don't like the sea

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I dont think any boat you can afford is deep sea worthy

no, the most I did was pilot my yacht from santos to ilhéus and back

Have a load of cash on hand and expect the worst. Your investment sits in a relentless corrosive substance.

>Your investment sits in a relentless corrosive substance.
Just paint it lmao.

I've looked into it because when I just turned 18, I had the brainlet idea to go yauchting around Europe with my friends.

It basically costs like an expensive car. You can afford it with an average paycheck if it's what you really want.

But you can't live in it permanently, even if you're in a harbour and the storms come, your guts will be spilled all over

>you can't live in it permanently, even if you're in a harbour and the storms come, your guts will be spilled all over
I knew a guy who lived in his boat permanently in Florida. His wife died, he sold all his shit, and just started living in the boat. Now he spends most of his time fishing, running fishing tours, or drinking and smoking at the local marina bar.

based. my plan for retirement is either this or a farmhouse in some remote woodland shithole.

thats cool, i have no idea how he survives storms though

I don’t they really get hit too bad where he is.

wish i was nordic, i'd buy a boat and travel all over europe. fuck this shithole this guy is living a good life

>You live in the most naval country
that would be norway

you replied to the wrong guy btw

It's not that difficult now that motor boats exist

Florida? Nah they never see storms lol

>and you think sailing is some dangerous thing that requires training?
He talked about sailing the world, user. Try to picture the average American Zig Forums user in your head. Now tell that guy to cross the Atlantic on his own with zero training.

He should ask a friend who can sail to teach him the basics and practice along the coast first.

I still want to do this but it costs a lot of money. A good ship costs as much as a good house. And there are a lot of extra expenses. You need to take people with you to share the costs. And you need people helping you sailing the ship anyway.

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Fuck. Well you're wrong about Norway. We have more boats per capita than any country in the world.

Can you even call yourself Swedish? You live in the most naval country in the world and you think sailing is some dangerous thing that requires training?

Ive thought about it but heard they're basically black holes for money. And just depreceating and falling apart from day 1. Knew a girl back home in Vancouver area that had a small houseboat to beat real estate prices and the boat sank lol.

Sailing in the Baltic archipelago is not the same thing as crossing the Atlantic. See my reply You're free to disagree but I don't think you get the context of my post.

Florida has a long coastline. Do you really not realize that it doesn’t have the same weather everywhere?

When the fuck did I say anything about the atlantic? Do you even know what an archipelago is? There's no such thing as "the baltic archipelago".

Sailin around the world is a long term goal for me, but I think the chances of it ever happening are extremely slim to none.
sad face.

>We have more boats per capita than any country in the world
its finland, actually

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Outdated stat. It was true very briefly.

girls and boats don't mix well

Yes the Swedish archipelago. Which is in the Baltic sea. Most people sailing here barely even leave the archipelago. And even if you do, the Baltic sea is far calmer than the Atlantic ocean.
>When the fuck did I say anything about the atlantic?
I told you to read my post but you clearly didn't. Stop being an annoying faggot and misinterpreting everything I say.

Sweden is the most naval country in the world? Lmao. Most people here have absolutely no contact with the sea. Try visiting the Meds.

You brought up the atlantic, nobody else.

You live in some alternate reality. I've lived in the Swedish med for 5 years and it's nothing like Sweden. Nobody has a fucking boat there.


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>You brought up the atlantic
He said that he wants to sail the world. If you live in America and want to sail the world, you need to cross the ocean. That's not something you just do, hence my post. I never meant to say that all sailing is super dangerous and needs a lot of training.

Why even reply to me if you don't care to listen? You're just wasting our time.

>one shot at life
>not born swedish
how to cope?

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>I've lived in the Swedish med

If you knew their personalities you'd grab an uzi and ice the entire group.

The Caribbean is a big place. There's as much to explore there as in Europe. Nowhere did anyone say that you needed to sail the entire world.

If I had millions to buy a decent yacht then I’d consider it

I want to move to nantucket and get my sea legs

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I looked into this
>used schooner from 1952 is over 30k USD
boys the sailing dream is over.... Unless you are some rich privileged little FUCK with rich parents like greta thurnberg it ain't happening.
>I sailed across the ocea-
>did you work for years to afford your own boat
thought so little BITCH

He said he wanted to see the world. Of course nobody sails everywhere. But loads of people do världsomseglingar. I figured he meant that.

describe whats wrong with swedish girls personalities

i want to see how similar it is to american girls

Spain, also called the south coast. I went to a Swedish school and never learned any Spanish. It's just as Swedish as Sweden.

Except they're all boomers and whichever colonies they create down there will be assimilated within a generation.

It's also not Swedish because it's not Sweden :)

Oh, we have also some small spot there with Finnish school and what not.

I sailed a schooner round the horn of Mexico

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