>no lockdowns
>much lower death rates than countries with extreme lockdowns
>much lower second wave stats
When did you realize that herd immunity was the right response to covid?
No lockdowns
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We never went for herd immunity you retard. We got hit hard.
In the end it didn't even matter as the global economy has be trashed
You can catch covid twice.
East Asia and Oceania have been the only places that handled covid effectively.
Just change Oceania to New Zealand. Australia did okay but Melbourne cocked it up for them.
all of you are retard neets why do you give a fuck
the no lockdown policy was the only one your gov could make because afaik Sweden doesnt have the beredskapslag necessary for such measures. And you need a vaccine for herd immunity, since contracting the virus gives you an immunity for only a few months.
Yes, but it's most likely not a problem the second time.
>The new proof comes from a 33-year-old man in Hong Kong who first caught COVID-19 in March. He was tested for the coronavirus after he developed a cough, sore throat, fever, and a headache for 3 days. He stayed in the hospital until he twice tested negative for the virus in mid-April.
>On Aug. 15, the man returned to Hong Kong from a recent trip to Spain and the U.K., areas that have recently seen a resurgence of COVID-19 cases. At the airport, he was screened for COVID-19 using a test that checks saliva for the virus. He tested positive, but this time, had no symptoms. He was taken to the hospital for monitoring. His viral load -- the amount of virus he had in his body -- went down over time, suggesting that his immune system was taking care of the intrusion on its own.
Most people will get it eventually unless you completely shut down the economy. Stay at home and wear a mask if you're very old or very sick, but just go about your life otherwise. The vaccine doesn't seem to come anytime soon.
They could have just said "lockdowns" and used the police and military to enforce it like everyone else if they really wanted to. The reason why they didn't was because they went for the herd immunity strategy.
>They could have just said "lockdowns" and used the police and military to enforce it like everyone else if they really wanted to.
do they have the legal means?
I'm sure they could have found some legal way to do it if they really wanted to.
I don't think the problem was ever people going outside. Most swedes spend their free time away from other people anyway. Most cases are in elderly homes and on public transportation and you can't really get away from that.
In reality the economy is a mirror or condensation of the energy of the nation. Why do you not care about it?
not every country is a very developed sparsly populated country
i think it would only work with such countries
guess where the money for that neetbux comes from you fucking retard
no wonder you're a useless neet
>mUcH lOwEr dEaTh raTeS
Are you a FUCKING retard you piece of crap? Sweden was hit harder than anyone
you have 6000 deaths
lockdowns don't work long term but dont be a retard sven
When I saw Sweden's population density and the standard habit of standing 5 meters apart from each other out of fear.
Off yourself.
thing is sweden is largely comprised of white people whereas many other shitholes are largely comprised by brown people
this makes things much more difficult
It would be unconstitutional. You cannot revoke a persons freedom of movement unless they've committed a crime. It would be possible to pass a law that also lets you quarantine people that are infected or have been exposed to infected individuals, but it's entirely impossible to legislate something that would put everyone in lockdown.
>herd immunity
Where's the herd? And how many hours would it take for people to form one if you tried?
We do have that legal means, the government just didnt have the balls to quarantine incoming travelers and restrict travel overall.
Which along with certain individual incoming travelers dont taking any precautions making it bomb us hard. The first case came from china but was smart enough to self isolate after coming home, some other dude traveled by train across the country and didnt do squat, and then you get what you get.
The vaccine is literally coming in november and russia already has a vaccine
No, it isn't, you stupid Swede
Fake news.
Oh no no no no
>cute girls
you forgot this part, desu
lmao covid is a meme i went outside a gorillion times at its peak during summer in population-dense areas in stockholm and no one gives a fuck
some 6k niggers and boomers died big deal, fucking soy lockdown countries got everyone thinking it’s the holocaust outside like go outside nigga it’s not real hahaha
your statement would have been true 30 years ago.