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International #1330
Yeah, um... a game about a little girl finding her brother is gateway to Hindu Nationalism
Haha sure is cold here in Russia... I hope to be home by Christmas uwu
What's their endgame?
Your country
I don't understand...
My house is older than the US
Day 0 of learning ruski how the fuck do yo write in cursive???
/fr/ - le francofil
The former Prime Minister of Malaysia said this:
VGH ROMA....the march never ends
Why didnt they have a planned capital in the middle of the border between bosnia croatia and serbia called Slavia...
Sverigetråden Blod På Sina Händer-upplagan
Of all the words of tongue and pen
Native Americans built this without animals or even the wheel meanwhile white people were still living in straw huts...
¿is it just me or Europe looks so fucking boring?
Why do spaniards act more like Arabs than Europeans?
France, nooo what are you doing lol
Wtf is happening in france
How are Arabs treated in your cunt?
Hardest languages to learn
Spanish seems so easy, where's the catch?
I opened this thread a few hours ago, but I want to see what do euros think too
Born outside the USA
So now europe is apparently amidst its second covid-19 outbreak, guess i won't be visiting there anytime soon
/ita/ - il filo
Wait... how many capitals in south east asia can you name?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
I don't feel so good evrobros
There's 228.000 Italians in Spain but only 25.000 Spaniards in Italy. Both countries have similar economies...
/ex-moose/- Ex Muslims general
As a Muslim I’d like to apologize for the acts of terror committed in the name of my religion...
/fr/ - Le francofil
What will the european cling on to when their welfare systems collapse within the coming decades?
Can someone fill me in on the whole Macron thing?
Sverigetråden DET HÄNDER-upplagan
I wish I was white
Are they really Asian?
The mudslimes are beheading people again
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2443
/euro/ - European general
Here we go again
/v4/ + friends
My sweet angel
/ESP/ Paco edicion
Today is the anniversary of the birth of the Republic of Turkey!
Post the dog meme of Macron and ISIS macron kill order jpeg plz
The game that crashes Poland's economy
USA thread
Post your dream car
Based French dabbing on muzzdogs
Tell a joke from your country
Do you enjoying Yakiniku?
I have a theory that Indian/Hindi people are a mixture between a sub group of Persian people and Aboriginal people...
Milky white skin looks ugly and unhealthy
Do americans really clean their chicken with soap before cooking it?
Listening to this guy unironically
/ישר/ - /isr/
Why are we so hated?
Apparently you can strike a nerve if you tell Amerikan to 'pay rent' since most of them don't own anything
I just called an israeli flag a jew! look at me everyone, i'm retarded!
There are few Asian poster here
What is the ideal veil for the modern age?
Enter Aryan alliance
Do Indian girls like white guys? Or do they mostly date in their own ethnicity? I want an Indian gf
Meanwhile, in Austria
What did he mean by this?
First World Country
Kurva anyátok
Truthfully we could all have sex and a gf if you really wanted unless you’re a literal genetic malformation
/ita/ il filo
Why shouldn't it belong to Deutschland?
Do you think he lurks Zig Forums?
Post stuff that makes you think about society and how we live in it
Please recommend your country's Anime
Literally the worst country
Do they really think this?
Post things you will never need
This guy had no health insurance
What should I know if I move to russia...
Is Korea culturally closer to China or Japan?
United against Islam, Libtards, and Communism
Religious map of Indonesia
American punk was better than British "punk"
When did our boy nobita jump the shark?
What did the japanese mean by this?
You guys jelly?
These are the ethnostates of the world. Say something nice about them
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Sverigetråden - Helt Åt Helveteupplagan
/lat/ hilo latino
The only white part of the US
Will China ever punish Japan for its sins against China?
Do the Same for your country
/fr/ - francofil
Costco is pulling Brazilian products from its shelves
My cunt is sick
How do brits, americans and germans cope with having actually evil ancestors? Don't they feel bad?
Fuck Socialism
Why was China able to contain the coronavirus but America and Europe weren't...
My parents are from Kazakhstan
Imagine not being born a native English speaker...
/flag/ + /extraflags/
What makes a country "3rd world"?
Your cunt
Can someone tell me how these people have so much free time? is the country still doing a lockdown or something...
We are white
What do you call this in your native tongue?
Islam Thread
What's the official gay capital of your country?
I'm a half Turk / half Dane. I have brown hair and blue eyes
Itt post your favorite amerikkkan
I find new music once every few months and end up getting bored too quickly...
I'm a cashier and I'm not allowed to sit while working
I can fuck all these traps here for mere 150 reais
/dixie/ - Southern US + friends
/fr/ - le francofil du soir
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ il filo
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Truth is, the game was rigged from the start
Bro, just wageslave for 50 years, lmao
Amazon launches in Sweden
How do we save Britain
We built them, Arab boy. They ours
What is life like in South East Asia?
Sverigetråden - ähä wööähöhöhöåhåhåhöhå hå
Uhh France? Wtf?
Same exact guy, same exact expression, same exact body language but we only say the one on the right "looks confident"...
21st century belongs to China
Does your country have a concept of wedding guns? Here...
What did ancient (golden age period) egyptians look like?
Do you love Finland?
My impression of the Brazilian states. How correct am I?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Bridge built by the Portuguese in Ethiopia in the 17th century
You get fined or jailed if you drink alcohol in public in these countries
How would your family feel if you brought an Irish girl home
And the red on flag stands for the blood shed in its fight for freedom
/fr/ - francofil francophone
Do any japs actually use this board or is it all americans stationed in japan
They are not Latin America
Wtf i love hungary now
I think about this image a lot
Remember my friends, the Anglo always wins
Would I pass as a local in your country?
Is this a uniquely American problem?
Hi I'm user, and I'm from (country with gdp below $40000
International board
ITT: We anglicize the names of our leaders
Sverigetråden - Hov1upplagan
Is religion a way to cope with miserable life in your country?
Is this based or cringe?
Why do Americans put eggs in the fridge?
Is your country white?
How much do these countries we wuz in real life? Are their armies like we wuz spartans or legionnaires n shiet?
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do Europeans put bread in the fridge and freezer?
Are they closer in culture to the US or the UK?
1. country
My Emperor :)
Here is your German gf, bro
What’s your countries best dish
/balk/ + Paшa
He wears headphones while grocery shopping
/fr/ - le francofil
My craziest sexual fantasy is tripping through Europe and impregnating a woman of each ethnicity
Faces of Zig Forums
/ita/ - il filo
Is Normandy Germanic?
Why don't they speak italian?
Conquered half the known world in his 20s
There ae way more girls in my uni than boys...will matriarchy take place in our lifetime?
FACT: The Portuguese have the best architectural style in the world
TIL Latams and African Americans name their children names such as Omar and Fatima
How do you say "I am a citizen of the world" in your language?
Why do white people like cheese so much?
When someone mentions Argentina, you think about a warm tropical latam country, or a rather cold one?
1. Your country
What made the japanese go from this
My parents named me Jihad
/desi/-Big TSUUUU edition
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
1)your cunt
Young polish woman are protesting, in polish cities and the churches against the new abortion law
It genuinely amazes me how much yuros are obsessed with americans
Sverigetråden - Rudbeckupplagan
I painted each country with the colour that comes to my mind when I think of that country
Imagine the world without anime
Post girl feet from your country
What do you call this kind of drink?
Korea is becoming civilized, say something nice about them
Your move, frogs
Tell me what’s been bothering you lately user
MexCo /Mex/+Zig Forums
My choice of alcohol? Red wine of course
This is what cities in Brazil look like. What do cities in your country look like?
What's not to love about Germany? Convince me not to move there
Netflix's "Barbarians"
So what is yours?
Post an image of the average man in your country
/mex/ nortexit edition
How do they do it? How are they successful worldwide?
/fr/ - le francofil
/lat/ - hilo latino
None of you will ever understand how much I suffer in the first world...
Average spaniard
Ah...traditional Turkish housing
So how many languages can you speak user?
North India Secession
Grinding langauge learning
There is not a single better metric for ranking countries than HDI and that's a fact
Who was REALLY in the wrong here?
Nooo dont drink you are going to die if you drink moderately! its haram/degenerate!!!
日本人 friends and westerns living in japan can confirm that ?
Do you stand with france user-kun?
I live in rural northern israel in a comfy kibbutz while america, europe and the rest of the world is burning down. hbw?
Foreign music bread
/ita/ - Il filo
Never smoked
Kurva anyátok
Do you boycott France?
What's the first thing you think about when you think about NZ
What is the best latinx country in terms of quality of life, Zig Forums?
Sverigetråden - Pappa Flintskalle-upplagan
What’s everyone’s thoughts on the Himalayas and their people...
Your cunt
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & FRIENDS
Is this the most anti-white country in the world?
The man that destroyed poland
Why are French girls so much more feminine and pretty compared to what we have in America?
ITT: underrated countries
Post a typical scene from your country
What comes to mind when you see pic related?
/fr/ - francofil
Why yes, i am going to kill that shark for no reason at all, how could you tell?
ITT we thank Argentina for the Choripan
Tell me more about French girls, I'm intrigued
/eu/ - European Union general
Why are Asians genes so powerful?
What constitutes a normal, healthy sex life in your country?
I wish my public transportation was nice like japan's
Thank you Charlie Hebdo
Please do not be rude when responding to Finnish flags. Some of us are people
Sister never grew out of watching anime
No cute white gf to be cute for me
Will muslims boycott french fries? or they'll called it freedom fries like americans?
Gaijin kun, can you be my friend?
Japanese are the greatest people of East Asia and I wish I were a Japanese instead of a Ch*nese
A more suitable flag of Finland
I dont want to be yuuropean
Be friend with a german girl
What do you think of Macron?
I’m not Turkish but I would die for this man. He is my leader
Sverigetråden - Ylva är ett sexuellt rovdjur och måste hindras
The maid came into the dining room to see if I was finished eating while I was clapping and singing the "pok pok pok"...
Turkroaches fear the glory of J V P I T E R
What do you think of this picture?
/fr/ - le francofil
"Most Powerful Race"
/ita/ - il filo
/paimon/ ehem. /deutsch/
Why are there so many of these people this board? did the rangeban end?
In the west, we view freedom of speech as a fundamental part of our societies
Biggest shopping mall in Scandinavia? You find it in Bergen Norway
No lockdowns
I will be honest
Who else is excited for the race war?
Australia is much bigger than I thought
It happened in Murica AGAIN
Why did Britain give this up?
/isr/ /ישר/
How can a man be so based?
The horror of being polish
Europeans... are u OK?
Fuck Macron
Why do they hate each other?
Macron. Will. Win
Your cunt
Poland's road to superpower hangs on by a thread
Did you know the United States of America is the only country that has nuked another nation...
/esp/ - Hilo español
Why did all these countries use to be Europe-tier rich in the 20th century but then decayed to 4th world status...
Post your ancestors
Do you like the french language, Zig Forums ? how does it sound to you ?
Lets have some hate for this absolutely retarded dictator shill
Why the fuck do pakis think that we are devout muslims?
The most spoken language besides English and Spanish in each US state
Why is Denmark considered Scandinavian?
Top 5 Countries
Korean is real white
DO Belgian forums exist? So forums where Belgian people discuss Belgian things...
Do you enjoy driving in general, Zig Forums?
Serdar Çam - Deputy Minister of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Turkey
Normal country vs Micronations
Let's have an Zig Forums food thread but instead of shit from your own country (I mean feel free to post that too I...
Tfw Erdogan will reform the ottoman empire
What is this stretch of water called in your cunt?
What did the Falkland Islands mean by this?
What do traitors look like in your country?
Are the cities in siberia culturally different from the one in the west?
To people who say anime isn't white
/desi/-Inch in flames edition
New Worlders never leave their countries
Kurva anyátok
You cannot debate this
Is mexico a great country and no a 3rd world
I hope you’re doing alright frens. You are strong and we will get through this
Makes whitey seethe
Dragon Ball Super
Have you met trans people? were they nice or bad?
Sverigetråden - steffes upplaga
What happens when she dies?
I am going to have sex with these Thai girls at pm 11 o'clock today
R u ok Eurobros?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
In all American history, only 7 times the president wasn't reelected
Lets talk about the Mexican War of Independence and the consequences of it
GranColombia & frens
Turkey keeps getting BTFO
1. your country
Do you like your capital city?
What happens here?
What contributions have Colombians made to your country?
Does your country have landslide elections?
Post examples of art from your country
The age of the American-Jewish empire is about to come to an end
Please redpill me on Bolivia
ITT: signs someone is a thirdie no matter where they live
Americans are rioting again
Black men are tired of being fetishized
Post your citys cathedral
Be talking to 16 year old brazilian girl from Minas Gerais who's having math problems
/lat/ hilo latANO
Watching the "Barbarians" series
Is your nation mutt?
Americans and brits using toast bread instead of normal bread
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Do people in your country love Japan and Japanese culture
Minimum wage in Turkey is €258
Sverigetråden - kvinnobristupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
/fr/ - le francofil
0 out of 0 girls I've asked out have said yes
Your country will be a Chinese colony in 50 years
Are (You) consider a manlet in your cunt?
Canadians believe they have their own accent
Best history
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2442
Literally a mutt
Is your country a utopia?
What's the most embarrassing thing thats ever happened to you?
/ita/ - il filo
Why are Norwegians so kind, happy, and attractive?
Which is the most important city of the Mediterranean?
What would happen in your country if your son was caught cuddling/sexing another man?
Langauge in education
One chance at life
Why do spices trigger up white people so hard?
Why are people all over the world so obsessed with race?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
The separation of the BASED Northern states from the South trash is now more likely than ever
What city in the world has the best skyscraper designs?
DNA test
Buying phones abroad
Is this why nords on this board are so insecure?
/fr/ - Fil Francophone
Vgh our european brothers
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Sverigetråden - Poolupplagan
French Twitter keeps winning
/v4/ + friends
What's life like in midwestern america?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Where should I live in Europe if I want to have guns and homeschool my kids?
Kurva anyátok
Can someone please explain how tipping works in the US?
Eva ben tou in Amsterdam geweest? Het is een prachtigee citey, maar hooman onlie thinken om drugs en prostitutie
Norgetråden och/og sverigetråden
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Another night shift at the drive through tonight
I love my Indian bros
/ita/ il filo
Lockdown starts on friday at midnight in France
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Do women do this in your country?
What zero pussy does to a mf
So what have you Zig Forumscels learned about international culture since coming to this board?
Why do w*stoids get tattoos in broken Chinese that make no sense and look cringy? Pic related "If life gives you lemon...
Are you allowed to adopt once you are 18 in your cunt?
Get a text
/desi/- Die Hardman edition
Does your country stand with France?
This tastes like plastic
Hello my christian friends
Which country has the best chocolate?
Why did europeans stop wearing traditional european clothing that was a staple for thousands of years?
How do other countries let dictatorships take over?
LGBTQ people are 9% of America’s population
Favorite show from your country, for me its The Wire
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
The day varg gained my respect
This is the greatest american to have ever lived
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine