Nooo dont drink you are going to die if you drink moderately! its haram/degenerate!!!

>nooo dont drink you are going to die if you drink moderately! its haram/degenerate!!!
Do you have these kind of fags in your cunt?

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Everytime they try to legalise selling beer in shops these fuckers start talking 60's teetotaler propaganda

>nooooo weed bad
>why? uhhh cuz it's degenerate and cringe that's why!!

Alcohol and weed is cringe

No and in fact if anything its the other way round. Non drinkers are subject to a lot of abuse in pubs

I agree.


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Alcohol is unhealthy and degenerate, plus it causes you to do things you might not do while sober, and make bad decisions, and not only do you waste your money you also get addicted to it.

shut up muz


>t. clueless arab
i dont give a fuck if your simple bedouin mind cant grasp the concept of getting drunk. You dont act THAT diffrent. You are just more relaxed thats it.
>Alcohol is unhealthy
35cc of spirits per week dont cause that much damage. furthermore whisky and jägermeister have health benefits. Im pretty sure that having 10 wives + a child as your spouse is more dangerous to your health because of STDs ;)

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Based, drunk subhumans should be beheaded in parks to the public.

>drunk subhumans should be beheaded
t. closet muslim

t. drunk muslim

>Alcohol is unhealthy and degenerate, plus it causes you to do things you might not do while sober, and make bad decisions, and not only do you waste your money you also get addicted to it.

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im not a muslim retard

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Damn, my next travel destination is Jodan

i dont give a fuck faggots drink yourselves to death, enjoy getting run over by a car while drunk.

>enjoy getting run over by a car while drunk
>t. bedouin who cant handle alcohol
you dont even know how being drunk feels like do you lmao

>yet somehow these dumb drunkards
explain why drinking is bad retard

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Back off everyone, OP is super cool, he can drink alcoholic beverages! he even brags about it on Zig Forums!

Fucking hell imagine defending drinking alcohol here, get a life loser.

Drinking alcoholic drinks is the most idiotic thing people can do, and anyone saying the opposite is clearly retarded.
>cheap or expensive, you waste your money
>it dehydrates you
>most drinks taste bad
>make you act retarded
>make you unable to think clear or coordinate your moves
>make you smell like shit
>some drinks make people shit on their pants or shit blood
>Literally used to abuse people

And these fags still fall for the 'alcohol is fun' lie to take money out of your pocket. I go to parties to eat, dance and fuck, and I don't need this BS to loose myself. (you) me as many times as you want m, but your delusional easy-to-blackmail retards

>t. only tried 1 brand

Wow you're so intelligent, wonder why the entirety of human society has engaged in drinking for 5000 years, if they only thought about it like you everyone would be better off

Literally this, imagine wasting your money buying something with zero benefits, exactly like smoking, indulging yourself like a pig, only reason people drink that filthy piss is to either look cool or get shitfaced and forget about their miserable lives.

>people do thing for long time
>thing must be good!

NPC retard, imagine thinking all human behavior should stay the same, humans used to do retarded shit and stopped, same thing with alcohol, it should be outlawed worldwide.

No, i haven't
Yeah, we would have flying bikes. I saw it in a movie

>look brooo I have destroyed myself slowly with time
again thats not an argument- if you drink too much water its not healthy- the same goes for alcohol. give me good reasons.
Your god offers you wine and women in your heaven tho :'). You have never drunk anything abdul how can you be so sure about that lmao

i drank weed once, then i ended up on Zig Forums and became gay
MANY such cases

ATATVRK died because of alcohol poison.

t. never read the quran

first of all i'm arguing from a standpoint that has nothing to do with religion, second of all allah promises wine without the mind altering effects in heaven.

how can one word so easily identify someone has never seen a vagina in person

Its an objective and undeniable fact that drinking can be totally harmless, humans have literally evolved to process alcohol, theres no need to be black and white about it

more like atat*RkRAT

so Allah scams people into buying sour grape juice? Are you sure that you dont worship the jewish god?

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HOLY FUCKING SHIT THE MUZZIE IS SEETHING! Today is the day your prophet was born correct? I'll drink and post it here solely for that reason.

> Every country with life expectancy over 80 years for men drinks alcohol

the health stuff for alcohol is meme if consumed moderately


i haven't seen a vagina i'm a virgin ;), don't worry though i'll get married in 2 or 3 years.
drinking a sip of alcohol may be harmless, but then you feel it's effects on your brain and you want more, it's something called addiction, and when you get it you want more alcohol, which then leads to harm to your body, dummy.

You'll never be white, have some self respect.

Oh noooooo please t0rkRAT dont drink and post it here how will ISLVM ever recover....

>drinking a sip of alcohol may be harmless, but then you feel it's effects on your brain and you want more, it's something called addiction, and when you get it you want more alcohol, which then leads to harm to your body, dummy.

If you get addicted, you have other underlying problems.

No it's a natural reaction when you consume mind altering substances that give you brief periods of feeling good then come down on you and make you feel like shit, you want more to get the same feeling, alcohol is just like any other filthy drug.

Alcohol isn’t limited to any race, it’s human. Your ancestors, Turkanon’s ancestors, Erdogan and my ancestors - AND Mohamed’s - all drank alcohol. Cheerss

i only drink wine
the oldest european drink

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Have sex incels


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Based mountainbro

I agree alcohol is unhealthy. I stopped drinking recently and immediately started losing weight. I haven't changed the food I eat. Also three of my uncles died alcohol related deaths so alcoholism probably runs in the family