Does your country have a concept of wedding guns? Here, during a typical wedding there is a lot of use celebratory gunfire. People dance and shoot.
Does your country have a concept of wedding guns? Here...
Apparently not all countries have it :(
During my cousins wedding someone shot the piece that’s right at the centre of the massive tent that holds everything in place and the entire tent came falling down on everybody inside. The groom got badly injured and was sent in an ambulance and the marriage customs literally happened inside the hospital lol. Rather than them taking turns around the pyre the priest made the pyre take turns around them by making a lamp go round and round.
I wish guns were never invented, i wish people still used swords, bow & arrow
Before guns there were matchlocks.
not common, but i have seen it in weddings before, usually just after they come out of church
Matchlocks are guns
As for the OP:
No. It's reckless endangerment of other lives and property.
Its actually fun when done safely. They even sell bullets specifically for that to not get people hurt
Nope, but probably some do it