Be friend with a german girl

>be friend with a german girl
>we keep playing togheter and talking almost everyday for 5 months
>I tell her I love her
>she thinks I'm in love with her
>I explain it is a friend like love
>she says she doesn't understand it
>she only replies with a "you are nice too"
they all are soulless or it is just her?

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You just have autism no offense.

I do not think that would pass anywhere. Friends do not tell each other that they love each other. They say "Nice. See you tomorrow" and part.


No , you were trying to take the friendship to a further lvl and she put u in ur place and now u r coping, incel.

That is, unless you are a woman. Women do tell their female friends that they love them.

How the fuck is she soulless you autist what reaction did you expect?

Is she fat


Love is a very strong word in Germany. Depending on how good her awareness of other cultures / languages is I am not surprised she was confused. You'd use other words than love to express that you're friends are dear to you in German.

You're an autismo bro sorry

how can you live without telling your friends you love them? that's a completely normal, you are wrong, I'm not the autistic one here

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You're just ugly obviously

Are you a woman?

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It's homo as fuck normal people don't say use the word love when talking about their friends. No matter how close. Love means romantic love or something you say to your children.

dropped spaghetti hard.
you never tell a girl you love her if you are not sure she is loving you already.
long distance relationships are a huge meme and destined to fail.

I'm not saying OP is not autistic (he probably is) but I usually say "love you" to my female friends and few male ones and they say it back to me, so I guess it is more like a cultural thing


Yeah, a culture of homosexuality

In da west we dont say we love our homies unless we're lifelong friends and won't see each other for a very long time. Antihomo feelings are very strong here.

love is a very strong word here in germany. You don't just use it casually.
Also "friend" and "girlfriend" is one and the same word in german.

I'd say yes we're a little (very) autistic in that regard but you also don't just do shit like this. What did you honestly expect? The only country where you do shit like this is france. They're very close with their friends

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to be honest, even americans will casually use "love" for things or people they enjoy a lot, especially common between close friends and family
i don't think it carries the same connotation in other languages
t. loved by friends

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Let me tell you what's happening, you're just underage or just a fucking autistic parasite from this nigger country


Don't kid me you are 100% autistic, even your women. We had a German exchange student here for a year and while I don't have bad memories of her she definitely was autistic. Then we went to see their family in Germany and her sister was really pretty but she was autistic too. She had built a giant mini railway system in her room. xD

You first mistake was playing with her for five months.

>She had built a giant mini railway system in her room. xD

How else can people run a train on her.
Autistic finns cant take a hint.

>Trying to be SOVLFVLL with germanics
They will never understand

Who would take the time to create this awful pic

I was like 10 years old. I just remember that she was a total qt blonde with freckles.

Your friends just dont love you. We use it a lot

And she wasn't a child obviously. She was like 16 at least I think.

Have you considered they build it up for you? “an autistic/finnish 10 year old boy is coming over. Get out the old toys“
there you have your culture of homosexuality

That would honestly be a good explanation but I doubt it. She just seemed to be passionate about it. Don't worry I still like you even if you are autistic. My cousins are half German, too.

>She had built a giant mini railway system in her room.
Do you still know her name, number or contact info by any chance?

I'm sure I could ask my sister who lived with them for a year but nope I only remember the sister who lived with us and only first name.

Hell I don't even remember which region/town it was that they lived in.

>no response
you're gay fat and ugly there's no such thing as a friendzone


damn what a bummer
>i will never find a woman equally as autistic as me

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