>never smoked
>never did drugs
>only got drunk a few times then stopped drinking all together
>haven't masturbated or watched porn in years
Anyone else completely pure?
>never smoked
>never did drugs
>only got drunk a few times then stopped drinking all together
>haven't masturbated or watched porn in years
Anyone else completely pure?
>Never smoked
>Never did drugs
>Can count the amount of times I've drunk alcohol on one hand
>only got drunk a few times then stopped drinking all together
fucking retard cant enjoy life
You can't be pure if you visit this site
You still masturbate?
Get with the program no
>never smoked
>never did drugs
>only got drunk 2 times
Croatian men.
Croatian MEN
you get fucking wasted with a single shot of whisky how can you call yourself a chad
Yes but you're gonna have to make me drink it