Never smoked

>never smoked
>never did drugs
>only got drunk a few times then stopped drinking all together
>haven't masturbated or watched porn in years

Anyone else completely pure?

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>Never smoked
>Never did drugs
>Can count the amount of times I've drunk alcohol on one hand

>only got drunk a few times then stopped drinking all together
fucking retard cant enjoy life

Attached: pukingpepe.jpg (227x222, 7.43K)

You can't be pure if you visit this site

You still masturbate?
Get with the program no

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>never smoked
>never did drugs
>only got drunk 2 times

Croatian men.

Attached: vedran_corluka2.jpg (594x400, 46.88K)

Croatian MEN

Attached: gigachad (1).jpg (800x450, 32.18K)

you get fucking wasted with a single shot of whisky how can you call yourself a chad

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Yes but you're gonna have to make me drink it