>bro, just wageslave for 50 years, lmao
Bro, just wageslave for 50 years, lmao
commiefags are pathetic.
Don't get me wrong, wagecucks who defend bad employers are also bad. Just look at America where people don't even get vacation. But to complain about working in Finland? Grow some fucking balls, 99,99% of humans that have ever lived, today or in the past, would gladly change places with you.
study and work harder if you're unsatisfied
I'm trying to do college, not doing great. I don't even want a white collar job. What am I doing?
You're on Zig Forums. So you're doing the wrong things.
Why are the most dogmatic capitalists on this website always never employed NEETS who dropped out of high school because of "anxiety"
>Thousands of us could make a technological breakthrough
Absolute bullshit, stop crying and grow some balls, firstie
Don't listen to this man
Capitalism is just like religion, hard work doesn't pay off
>So you're doing the wrong things.
Good call.