These are the ethnostates of the world. Say something nice about them

These are the ethnostates of the world. Say something nice about them.

Attached: ethnostates.png (2554x1250, 1.15M)

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North Korea: 99.9% Korean


argentina is an indio ethnostate

>Argentina as an ethnostate

yes and?

>bolivia not included

Lol no

and we are the only 1st world country?

hay varias etnias indígenas, sin que una sea la absoluta mayoría


I don't think there are still more than 15% Germans here

It's called República Plurinacional for a reason

why would it be?

autismo antropológico

why are brown people so obsessed with us?
Uruguay is not an ethnostate either, and yet you only complain about Argentina

any Zig Forumsernational scientists can confirm how accurate is this map?

damn, how could someone be an ethno nationalist after looking at that

Attached: 1543113704303.jpg (550x535, 48.87K)

I see brown people everywhere in Copenhagen

Germany is a an ethnostate

Fuck off retard germany is 95% german.
You need to start the ovens and it will be like South Korea or japan.

israel NOT ethnostate confirmed thank you OP

>tfw went from 98% Dutch overall to barely over half of citizens below age 50 being ethnic Dutch
Gee I'm sure it was worth it, right guys??

Attached: 1602628086989.jpg (400x400, 19.76K)

Why do you have so many foreigners your country didn't even conquer non-white countries.
If anything there should be pole and slavs in your countries all the shitskins and niggers should be deported to France and UK.

> germany is 95% german.

Attached: SOZ_04_12_detail.png (940x580, 42.23K)

Attached: 2020-10-29 03_48_36-Gastarbeiter - Wikipedia.png (1433x293, 52.08K)

Build nuclear weapons capable of reaching washington dc. They will leave you guys alone and leave NATO.

Why are burgers like this

Because they are subhumans who want to make the entire world a multicultural murtified hellhole.

How does your government determine if someone has a migration background? Ours just checks if someone and their parents were born here or not, and then calls them native Dutch if they are, which has lead to a bunch of 3rd generation turks and morrocans etc being labeled as native. So whenever it says that X% of citizens are native Dutch, it's a actually a bit lower than that.
They also conveniently leave out the fact that most immigrants are young so when the old people die the % of foreigners is gonna skyrocket.

Seething hapa, we shall breed all races of the world together till we are truly unified

It's the exact same method here. 3rd generation Turks aren't even counted in the statistic above in case their parents have citizenship.

just because your a mixed ugly mutt doesnt mean everyone else has to be

You're from Panama, you've already been mixed and it turned out just fine. Just imagine it, a world full of brown people! It'll be just like Brazil

Yea that's fucking retarded. I'm sure it was accurate 90 years ago or whenever they came up with it, but nowadays nationality =/= ethnicity. The government still using outdated and incomplete methods like that is what makes people think they're doing it on purpose and so they turn to conspiracy theories like the Kalergi plan.

a man of culture

>3rd generation Turks aren't even counted in the statistic above in case their parents have citizenship.
I also heard 3rd gen immigrants with double citizenships (i.e. a good portion of your turks) are still counted as native, is that true for Germany too?

It's called a family tree book