What am I in for?

I've never watched the movies before and made sure I read the book version first.

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Fans of the book don't like the films. Mainly because literate people aren't impressed by dumb CGI-driven blockbusters.

Go watch them. It's absolutely worth it.

Kino, not even memeing this time. I haven't seen them since they released in theaters, might give them a rewatch.

Should I watch the Nextflix version or the DVD copy?

I love both but I saw the movies first
I can see why jackson made compromises and ultimately jackson made something that was palatable by the public at the cost of some minor details
unfortunately there are very few true adaptions because each medium has its on limitations
I have seen the movies a dozen times and read the lotr volume twice and have a few pages that I revisit because they are just art (like some scenes of movies can be)

If you appreciate Tolkien, the films will be a disappointment. LotR is basically unfilmable.

Contrarian faggots. Some scenes are better in the book, but some are in the movie.

If you've read the books, you can just skip the theatricals and go straight to the Extended Editions. Otherwise, I always insist that newbies watch the theatrical editions.

Return of the King might be a disappointment especially since it deviates from that portion of the book so much, but as a film it is undeniably well made. I honestly envy you. I really want to experience watching these for the first time again.

Solid, fantastic movie. Genuine cozy fun. Absolutely love this series because it's very re watchable and still stands up to taste and modern scrutiny even w/ a couple bad CGI scenes and shit you can tell there was alot of heart poured into making the movie, one of my favorites for sure man.

*series I should say, they're all fucking fantastic.

I'm quite looking forward to the 4k blu ray release, just because of the fact that we finally get a theatrical cut of the movie that isn't a grainy looking 1080p rip.

If you've read the book, you'd know that extended editions add a lot of Jackson's garbage fanfics totally ruining the spirit and letter of the book. See: Witch-King breaking Gandalf's staff, Saruman shooting fireballs, Gimli telling Haldir to go to hell etc.

I'm not sure if my parent's DVD copy has the extended editions.

Oh for sure man, also hoping there is a 4k variant for the extended edition, watched that for the first time not to long ago and appreciated alot of the cut scenes, even if it's almost exhausting watching the series (must've been almost 12 hours or more of film total).

>Mfw there's some glaring issue with it like the colour grading in the bluray extended edition

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The theatrical also has those moments. Let's not forget that Denethor and the ghost army were also poorly done in the films. I think the extra scenes and the good stuff outweigh the bad. If you're watching the films at all from a book reader's perspective, you might as well go for the extended since it has more scenes that were in the book, like the lothlorien gift-giving and the elven rope scene in the two towers.

We just have to hope for a fan restoration. The green tint in the fellowship extended edition has been fixed with a fan regrade, so it's not an issue to me anymore.

What does it say on the cover? If it doesn't say anything it's just the theatrical. The extended editions always say "Special Extended Edition" on the cover.

OP here: people are saying to watch the special editions. Does this version of the DVD have the deleted scenes?

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"Good" scenes are redundant and don't add anything of absence. Most of them are clunky or don't work at all because of the missing context.

>Lothlorien gifts
>elven rope
Lmao. Ropes were gear that went with the boats; Sam snatched them just in case. You don't need to dedicate 3 minutes of runtime to establish ropes. Plus, his actual gift was a box of Lothlorien soil for his garden, but the movie completely omitted this angle from the book, so the extended scene changed it to the rope which comes off as he was some lowly nobody.

And this is just one of many examples how EE further ruin the book.


Stop listening to contrarians. I'm an avid Tolkien fan and watched both theatricals and extended editions, and EE suck. Theatricals are fine in their own right

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The extended editions fuck the pacing up, the theatricals are superior by a long shot.
Watch the extended on a rewatch.

Thanks. I'll start watching after lunch.

I love both. Anyone that says the movies are better are retarded but they are peak cinema. I read the books first yes

extended mog theatrical to hell, don't listen to retards

pace is slowed but it's not boring, unless you're a marvel basedcuck

Why would you read the book first? It's common knowledge that book fans are never happy with film adaptions because NOT MUH

A lot of tax policies. What if Gondor taxed Mordor? Mordor's economy crashes so they import low wages orcs to lower prices. The western kingdoms put sanctions on Mordor in retaliation, and orcs eat all the population. As expected, it lowers the social spending, and taxes are used to create a huge army. Sauron also cuts retirement spendings since not many will survive the war. Etc.

low budget crap. it's like they didn't even have an FX budget. also too many scenes where everything just stops and the music gets real loud and we're supposed to give a shit about fucking fairy tales or whatever.

Shit for children.

Black and white morality, worldbuilding that makes no sense, corny high fantasy aesthetics, corny dialogue, no depth regarding how each society functions, poor tactics, dated special effects, etc.

No adult should watch or read fantasy except that made by the likes of pic related, who started their careers with the idea that Tolkien basically wrote a cartoon that needs to be more grounded and developed in order for the genre to work.

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