What am I in for?

A lot of tax policies. What if Gondor taxed Mordor? Mordor's economy crashes so they import low wages orcs to lower prices. The western kingdoms put sanctions on Mordor in retaliation, and orcs eat all the population. As expected, it lowers the social spending, and taxes are used to create a huge army. Sauron also cuts retirement spendings since not many will survive the war. Etc.

low budget crap. it's like they didn't even have an FX budget. also too many scenes where everything just stops and the music gets real loud and we're supposed to give a shit about fucking fairy tales or whatever.

Shit for children.

Black and white morality, worldbuilding that makes no sense, corny high fantasy aesthetics, corny dialogue, no depth regarding how each society functions, poor tactics, dated special effects, etc.

No adult should watch or read fantasy except that made by the likes of pic related, who started their careers with the idea that Tolkien basically wrote a cartoon that needs to be more grounded and developed in order for the genre to work.

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