You didn't have a million other things, mainly the internet, competing for your attention.
Does it hold up?
Kid you had like two video games. It was this or nothing.
Clawdia Koopa
old games like that often lag when playing on modern tvs, or timing could be off due to it being pal region or you just suck
i also never managed to beat festers quest. i only had an nes and like 7-8 games. so not managing to beat 2 of them means im nnot that good
Contra 3, Super Ghouls and Ghosts and BT:Battlemaniacs were hard. Mario 3 is a fucking great game but it's a piece of piss in terms of difficulty.
fester's quest had stupid shit like not being able to shoot through walls and enemies that endlessly respawned and took too many hits to kill. just discovered recently that the european pal region version doesn't have those game breaking problems
The game I could never beat as a kid was thrillas surfari.
I remember losing in that fucking bullshit desert endlessly.
Probably this. I had the same thing with NES Konami Ninja Turtles, another game I beat. I downloaded that and after dying twice in the dam all I could think was "fuck this, gonna shitpost".
This but with Ninja Gaiden.