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Amazonian Women.



1. France
2. Can you meet sex?

How tall is she?

That game was a brutal mog in all aspects

Japanese athletes look like drug addicts


I dont believe that is real

She has to be fucking massive mate. I'm 5'10 and I stand halfway up the next. So she is over a head taller than me.

Brazil 3 - 0 Japan


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The Jap is 1.59 and he brazilian is 1.96

why you gonna lie on the internets?
edison spins in his urn.

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Why is it the rich Brazilians are generally tall and good looking, but the rest of you look like inbred mongoloids?

isn't that the same everywhere? on a macro level too, poor countries are always short and ugly on average while rich countries are tall and handsome.

The daily price I pay for knowing how to read is too much...

good nutrition does that to you


Nah, heaps of attractive poor south east asians. Lots of attractive poor south Africans as well when I went there.

I actually think Australia is a good example of how you can have incredibly ugly wealthy people and attractive poor. Lots of good looking bogans, but just look at our political class which is all bred from generations of wealthy Australians. They are fucking ugly mate.

>heaps of attractive poor south east asians.
they are midgets and not really handsome on average.
>poor south Africans
good genes will do that, still an exception.

on average, poor people will always look uglier than richer ones tho, unless the rich people are very uneducated on eating habits and doing physical activities, I think all anglos can testify. but even then rich people have money to do things like fix their teeth or get small surgeries done to look better, plus have good nutrition so they can grow tall and strong. put an average australian in the middle of a crowd from somalia or bolivia and he will look like a god, just because money does that.
also try flying from Korea to China, they are basically the same people to a western eye but poor chinese are so much uglier, shorter and dirtier than Koreans it's not even funny.

>they are midgets and not really handsome on average
Being short doesnt detract from their physical aesthetics when everyone there is short.

Anyway did you grow up fucking poor and go to school with like one rich kid who happened to be good looking? I am telling you rich people can be ugly as fuck. My nation is rich yet there are a shit tonne of people who look like a bucket of smashed crabs. You have no real evidence whatsoever, you're just another dumb fucking daigo.

nope I've just traveled a fair bit.

why are you so angry also? is all of this board underage? well whatever, wasted time.

1. Tall women
2. Sex

I'm not angry. If you'd gained anything from travelling you wouldnt have such tunnel vision.

The tall girl is ugly tho

Looks good for a Brazilian though.

No she doesnt

I take a small poor/middle funkeira girl then this 2ft lean freak thing

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Insecure manlet detected.
You posted children, kids aren't attractive.

I'm 1.80 and i like my girls with meat

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Beauty is subjective.

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Yea but aesthetics are objective. And if you dont like good aesthetics you have shit taste.

>this is a 10/10 in Australia

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rich brazillians usually comes from white families who immigrated from EVROPE
the nigglets uggly chimps are often breeded from rapes and orgies, maybe they are originated from some rape that occurred when Portugal colonized here. Who knows, right?
but it probably sums up to that
>nigglets comes from some native or african getting raped by some nigglet specie
>riches have evrope immigrants family/surname attached to them

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this has to be some cognitive/neurological disease this girl have

hwo the fuck did she even could think of fucking "IT"?
holy fuck.... the first thought she should've have was being frightned of being murdered/stabbed or who knows what
how the fuck did she willingly went to this thing and had a baby with
I can only rationalize to it as some type of disease she has in her brain to think this is worth of her womb

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