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International #1331
Yes we are low IQ
Your country
What do they even do?
Which one is your favorite South East Asian nation?
Bros maybe the real reason we shit on China and are so against them is because they represent exactly what we wish the...
Is this true?
Is Brazil OK?
/dixie/ Southern US & Friends
/nachtschicht/ morgens wieder /deutsch/
Macaroni !! macaroni dog !!!
How 10/10 girls in ur cunt look like?
All Muslims unite
I unironically believe that anime causes gender dysphoria, posting anime reaction pics has something to do with it...
/fr/ - le francofil
It is really regrettable that Americans were brainwashed into overlooking the scientific contributions of this great...
/ita/ - il filo
I'm going to have to join the army because I can't afford healthcare or college. Does this happen in your country?
"Our country is full"
Sverigetråden - Sid10kattupplagan
I'm am 25 years old and my life is literally going nowhere...
Was it war crime?
In what ways is the former East Germany still different from West Germany?
What dialect of your language is different enough from the standard language that it could reasonably be considered a...
Is life easy for Iberian males?
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/ - Komfortabler Simpsons-Faden
What’s it like living in Southern Ontario? Rate it /10
I am addicted to watching black people react to things
Burger here. Moving permanently to Europe soon
1. country
Does this happen in your cunt?
China-France alliance when?
The average argentinian male
One race
Draw your country from memory
How racist is your country?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Have you ever talked to a french girl irl? What are they like?
How is Orthodox church viewed in your country?
After hours of research I have concluded that Southwest Finns are the most aryan people on earth
Sverigetråden - Gonattupplagan
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/esp/ - Edición territorial
Which EU countries allows you to defend yourself from Muslims/browns?
Ancestry Bread
Is nuclear power used in your country?
/fr/ - le francofil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Which country have objectively the most attractive boys?
One shot at life
Politicians in Pakistan, the only muslim country with nukes, are calling for France to be nuked
Japanese use honorifics for strangers
Fuck you homos of Zig Forums
/ITA/ il filo
Go to bed cute little euros :)
How close is mexican to spanish?
Tfw you wanna boycott France but there is literally nothing to boycott because the French only produce smelly cheeses...
What are Zig Forums opinions on Scandi girls?
Why are levantines like this?
You wake up where you at, on the 27th of june, 1914
He's right you know?
Do you see brits as europeans?
1. Your country
Fact: all finns have swedish admixture due to swedish vikings sexing their women
Why does your country import muslim and african immigrants when it can import latinamerican immigrants...
I don't get it
Why can't hong cucks find more alpha leaders?
/mex/ thread; Dia de los muertos edition
/fr/ - le francofil
Friendly reminder that the country which is most commonly represented by pic related doesn't have its own name
Are still white women, wife material in ur cunt?
But I thought blue eyes mogged
/deutsch/ - #1
Me? just listening to Blink-182 bro
Americans and Nordics live in wooden houses
Did Naruto air in your cunt?
Why are white people so tall?
How hard is finding friends past high school/uni in your cunt?
Do Asians look yellow?
Swedes aren't redpille-
/ita/ il filo di umaru
How would you save the UK?
Your country
Ugh... what could've been
Are latin girls better than Europeans?
Would you enjoy playing a GTA game if it was set in your country?
As a devout Christian I want to say that Morocco's flag offend me...
Why do latina women love sitting on white boys' faces?
Post your face when China gets away with it again...
Why did the world pick soccer for their sport? It’s literally the most boring shit on earth
Is your phone's internet plan unlimited or limited? If limited, what is your data cap?
Poverty in Nepal
People are getting hpapy because Izmir had an earthquake. what the fuck is wrong with you?
Zig Forums vs. Zig Forums
/fr/ - le francofil
There are 1,800,000,000 muslims in the world. How do we solve this problem?
Is Britain okay?
Act as German as possible
How do people greet each other in your cunt?
/ita/ - il filo
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
It wont stop raining and its cold...
Do you want an American rifle-wielding gf?
What's your opinion on women of European descent?
A supertyphoon is about to hit my area, Zig Forums
Is it really a third world country?
Sverigetråden Lever Vi I Sverige-upplagan
1/3 of women cheat
300 Muslims protest in front of French embassy in Japan
It's snowing
Daily reminder
Assholes in the desert are boycotting French products, but what's the point of that?
/v4/ + friends
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Who let all these muslims in?
Fun fact: these two countries have never fought wars against each other
Is cringe nationalism popular in your country?
*fills with scottish settlers*
I love the german mindset
Why are Asian genetics so strong?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
1 country
/deutsch/ feuchte Edition. Ab jetzt wird durchgezählt meine Anonymen
Japanese girls have cute noses
Have you ever had a woman like you out but you didn't reciprocate cause of cowardice or autism?
American communists look like THAT ???!?
Kurva anyátok
How communist is China really? It certainly seems like they’re some version of Authoritarian Capitalism...
Euros get all the MENA qts
Replaced their norwegian language with danish
Go to sweden expecting tall, blonde nordic goddesses
Macrons image posted on roads in India for people to run over
/ita/ - il filo
Why is it ilegal to deny the holocaust in France but legal to insult the prophet?
How do you tell Algerian and French apart?
Why are japanese so autistic?
The European lifestyle would seem poor to the majority of Americans...
Have you thanked JVPITER for being the defender of Europe today?
How is your work? Don't say the name of your profession, but what do you do on a daily basis?
/svt/ - Sverigetråden
Has multiculturalism been successful in your country?
What in fuck happens here?
Have you ever been to Japan?
Netherlands appreciation thread
Post sites where you can hire prostitutes in your country
It's snowing
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Would you show your youtube feed to a random person?
Is it really true that Danes are little balled low sperm count soft cock femboys that grow breasts? A Finn told me so !
Why are cubans so based?
ITT: Post your cunt's station in Antarctica
Wtf is wrong with muslims
Wtf is wrong with weebs?
A small earthquake happened just now
/fr/ - le francofil
What is the relationship between Russia and Finland?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Seriously fuck this shit non-country
What are the most dangerous countries, provinces and cities in the world?
1. Your cunt
Are you fat? Yes or No?
How did the turks make the most based food out there?
/ita/ - il filo
Nothing is Western about "Western" civilization. So why do we call it Western?
Muslim anons what would you do if someone insulted your prophet right in front of your face?
Is autism common in you're cuntry?
Never been prouder of are lads, absolute legends putting Australia back on the map
Do you agree?
How do meat chuds cope with the fact that their food looks like a crime scene?
Why does extra fat in men only make you uglier? While women can go up to 30% bf and still look hot? It's not fair
Sverigetråden Stapedius-upplagan
Why are anglos, particularly Americans this way? Why do they hate the french so much?
Mr Tanaka, who is retiring tomorrow, is invincible
/fr/ - Le Francofil
1/3 of women cheat
Let's play a game
Why do they sound so Romance yet not specifically Italian? Do you think they eat baguettes? Play the castanets...
Why can’t they just accept they are inferior and stop coping?
Does this happen in your country?
I've never (ever) met a Finn
"japanese" civilization
Will there be a lot of arrests during the olympics
How do we stop French antagonism of Muslims?
Your cunt
Why did Brits stop using viking symbols?
The average norwegean teen girl
Greeks dont celebrate Halloween
Ywn be french
/ישר/ - /isr/
How would they be treated on this board?
Today I learned that the Swedish and Finnish air forces train so much together that the pilots know each other by first...
/ita/ il filo
1. country
Imagine being a literal British princess and marrying a guy with an Asian ex-wife and half Asian son
Europe steps up the corona game
Do boyfriends turn into Christmas trees in your country?
I live in a third-world country and I can't imagine what "terror level" means...
Belgium needs to be dismantled
Be me, panendeist Turk
Kurva anyátok
He thinks korean men can be happy
/lat/ - hilo latino
Janny's asleep quick post cats
This website is a zoomer den
Nobody is impregnating japanese women
White women are openly hateful towards indians and its disturbing
Why are Americans so big, and fat and stupid? When we say 'death to America' we don't mean death to AMERICANS...
Tfw alaskan
Can drive a car at 16
You cannot debate this
Why are Americans so boring?
/desi/-Diretide 2020 edition
9. A.D
Is it true Americans only eat lettuce if it comes in a burger?
Is there a bigger success story in history than china...
"The Goatman of Maryland...
Do people travel a lot in your country
"Rodeo is a sport that arose out of the working practices of cattle herding in Spain & Mexico...
Ethan Klein.. just.. what
New Zealand just voted no to weed and yes to euthanasia
How old are you and since when you follow Zig Forums?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
How amerinaggers will recover from this?
Why do Asians celebrate the Halloween?
Literally the day after i told my family about my intentions to convert to Islam this retard in france went and...
How proficient is the average finn in swedish?
Do girls in your country like Harry Potter?
Why do americans love talmudic jews when they reject christ and literally say that he is burning in a lake of shit and...
What do you eat for breakfast every morning?
What are some things Zig Forums likes and dislike about latinx America?
How would your parents react if you introduced pic related as your girlfriend?
How did America fuck this up so badly?
How you holding up French bros? I hope you're alright
What makes them so racist and homophobic?
Are you handsome?
How to not feel racially and genetically inferior when looking to beautiful blue or green eyes?
Do whites really think it's ok to disrespect 2 billion people and then not face any consequences?
What is life in Melbourne like?
Do you have egirls in ur cunt?
Sverigetråden - Anticimex-upplagan
Zig Forums please help me (/ck/ /out/)
Tell me of your personal experiences with muslims
Latin Americans eat hummus kibbeh tahini sfeehah and tabbule
Why isn't Saudi Arabia as hated as China?
This is the ideal building design
Are you ever going to get married and start a family?
Let's have one of these again
/fr/ - francofil
Why do they like to shit on third worlders so much?
/ita/ - Il filo romantico
France with no muslims
/v4/ & connaisseurs
Just got let go from my job, how do I cope? Thinking about trying to find a job during covid is making me panic
This is 15yo Italian boy
I am fully aware my father is having an affair with a 19 year old
Yup, it's iceland
China putting muzzies in camps
Tha fuck is wrong with brit girls? why are they so evil?
Name a more perfect couple
I thought Tunisians were supposed to be the whitest North Africans
Islam in LATAM
Ywn live in a timeline where Mexico City remained as the Venice of the New World
Why do they suck so hard at cinema? They've mastered pop music yet can't even make one good movie
Zig Forumsernationales, do you own guns?
Isn't it interesting how Sweden perfects everything it touches?
In Brazil it is customary to bring your girlfriend/fuck buddy to a motel where you rent a room for a few hours so you...
Sverigetråden - Dagliga Hov1upplagan
Uhm hello? Based department? I’ve got another one
Is the gang problem that bad in Latin America? Why does no one take over as dictator and BTFO the gangs/cartels?
Are boomers like this in your cunt?
Do you agree with the mentality of the african americans?
Has the Australians heard of this news yet?
The fuck is wrong with united statians
1. Your country
I guess Japan is going to become another cucked multicultural hellhole just like the west. Great. I mean...
I'm an agnostic Arab, what are you?
/lat/ - hilo latino
For ESL speakers
There are no words for "please" and "sorry" in the Somali language
Your country
Do u love finlan
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is France responsible for the current Islamic outrage?
The only German-speaking country with soul
Amerifrens, how do twinkies taste like and why aren't they imported in Europe?
Mfw we're facing the worst economic depression since the 1930s because of a fucking flu
Your political orientation
When did you first realize you loved Israel?
Which Latin American country do you like the most? Which one do you hate the most?
Religion is unironically a plague that needs to be wiped out
Live in the middle of a desert
Loli and shota is illegal in his country
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
I love my country
What is he showing on his phone?
Is French culture changing?
Teeth of Zig Forums
Average 16-18 year old people here
This french qt is the new Joan of Arc
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
France literally has the perfect climate on earth, not too hot, not too cold, some of the most arable soil on earth...
/fr/ - Francofil
Okey Zig Forums let's see how much of an influence American culture has had on your life. Respond to the questionnaire:
Sverigetråden neoskytiskaupplagan
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
Be honest - you LOVE America for drone striking Muslims now
Americans why are you afraid of socialism ?
I get 1500 neetbux per month
I feel bad for France
How do folk in your country deal with addiction?
19 yo with his 12 yo gf talking about their relationship, what would happen to them in your country?
I am in fact, gobsmacked
Beautiful Brazil
Why the hate towards us frenchbros? We can work something out! Lets discuss
Tap or bottled?
What's the deal with indians bro
Offener Kanal /deutsch/
What is the ideal veil for the modern age?
Kurva anyátok
What's the zoomer generation like in your country?
/fr/ - Le francofil des frankop1s
How come almost no video games are developed here? I thought the Indian tech industry was huge
What's the best place in Europe to live?
Asians people start to be beaten up by araps and keblas in Paris. Araps and keblas launched this trend today...
Post Zig Forums setups, rooms whatever
You will never meet another french-canadian on this god forsaken imageboard
This is the amount of potatoes per capita consumed in EU countries. Discuss
Why is stockholm called the capital of scandinavia?
Do black incels exist?
Be 8 year old american girl doing homework
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends:
Pic related average chicano
/ita/ - il filo
Cool life hacks in your cunt
Why do Zig Forums Americans complain about the chemicals they put in water when it creates boys like this?
French women shower once a month
What does Zig Forums think about hikikomori?
What happens here
Describe yourself by using one pic
French people are scared and suffering right now
Will I starve in Germany if I earn 2k yuros a month? I got offered an internship that pays that...
What do they think about black people in your cunt? If your sister was fucking a black guy, what would your parents do?
Did brazilians inherit a lot of culture from Portugal?
Imagine beheading a 72 y/o nun over a cartoon?
Live in apartment
/fr/ and /tr/
Your cunts first ally
This the centre of Italian culture. Say something nice about it
I’m a mutt with a Muslim father and Christian mother
Is it true that in Brazil, racemixing is seen as fascist ?
/med/ - Mediterranean
The upcoming flood of European refugees
We are ugly but smart
/kaffeeloch/ auch /deutsch/
/polska/ edycja sąsiada
Does the fall of Constantinople mark the modern day era?
As an English native, the spelling of "business" infuriates me daily
Why Zig Forums
/fr/ - Francofil de l'union sacrée
What's the most racist country in the world?
Uh whitey?
How would your family react if you brang home an Arab girl with green eyes?
In light of recent events, let's talk about how much we like France
Which language sounds the cutest?
Ur country
From todays march on Paris
France is a muslim country
Sverigetråden - Höstupplagan
/ita/ - il filo
I don't get it
So The Fayum Portraits prove that ancient egyptians were basically brazilians: a bunch of pardos...
Why is Zig Forums like this
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Is 280 eur enough to sustain in your country?
How would a 169cm male be treated in your country?
Why are w*stoid posters always the most mentally ill ones...
What are you waiting for frogs?
/polska/ edycja sandziuro
Why the fuck are zoomer flips or zoomers in general so fucking tall this generation...
/desi/ - zoom meeting edition
How does everyone cope?
Post random people from your country
My cousins :)
A totally normal and peace-loving religion
Every single time
/fr/ - le fil francophone
He was right
What happens on them rocks?
How do i cope with hating the country i live at , should i just travel whenever i can?
Fear no more anons for a proper roll thread has come, time to roll
Where are the soldiers you promised Russia?
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine