"Our country is full"
"Our country is full"
full by population size, not population density
They need all that land to feed their population.
>Woah dude look at this giant empty land you should totally live here!
We could always double it.
I thought your pic was food but it was asian w*men. kys
The majority of that green region is a desert wasteland if you ever played GTA IV or San Andreas you would've known that
Damn... I kneel...
I knew someone would post this. It's all governement owned land we can't just move there.
I have no problem with immigrants moving to those wide open green areas, in fact I've never understood why you don't. You'd rather pay $3000 a month to live in Brooklyn for some reason
hmm I wonder if there's a correlation between that population density map and this satellite view of the terrain
Russia is full too
Also do you really want to live near the world's largest supervolcano that will liquefy your organs with its pressure wave if you're anywhere near it?
Fuck off we’re full
How are they going to build a house.
>every mile of land HAS to be packed with millions
bug mentality
but see the green parts are for growing food and trees
>Also do you really want to live near the world's largest supervolcano that will liquefy your organs with its pressure wave if you're anywhere near it?
all of that green area is actually packed full of unregistered mexicans
Imagine the smell
look comfy to me
A good portion of that is land you can’t build on.
the thumbnail for this looks terrifying
It actualy is if you think about how much each American consumes. If you keep increasing the population size, the enviroment will not be able to keep regenerating the resources that said population uses. An example would be aquifers which allready are strained beyond their limits with falling water tables as the result.
yep, you shouldn't be able to put your arms out fully or there aren't enough people in the world
Litterally would have to build new towns from the town up. Expensive. Small towns have shitty employment opportunities.
Yeah your right, actually having to live through the mass extinction event would be interesting at least.
Yes, I hate people who talk like this and then have the audacity to talk about "global warming" or "climate change".
well, we wouldn't have to worry as much about the impact we're having on the planet if there were one billion people instead of 7
It is, fuck off.