Is it true Americans only eat lettuce if it comes in a burger?

Is it true Americans only eat lettuce if it comes in a burger?

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lettuce is the most worthless veg there is. of course you only eat it with a burger

I won't eat anything if it even touched lettuce. Humans shouldn't be eating leaves.

>lettuce on bottom

Lettuce is that green thing that looks like it comes off a tree, right? I think I might've had it in a burrito once.

No, that's a bay leaf

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what the fuck is going on here

I now I do.


Do they really

Jesus no wonder why americans are often fat

You're supposed to remove it before serving because the sharp pointy edge can cut your intestines.

Brussel sprout! My only weakness!


Women ate only cheese and potatoes for many years. Now, her health has worsened to the point she has to eat greens. She doesn't like it.

I eat them when I get them

No, lettuce is used as a textured water-garnish in many American dishes. Lettuce is used in the taco, and Americans even eat salads as long as the salads are drenched in fatty dressing.

As long as the lettuce is surrounded by sugary or fatty elements, we'll eat it.

no, its on the mcchicken too

cabbage is better. it is good stewed

*And Salads
Salads are common here even if there not as healthy as people claim here.

No, we also eat it when we eat tacos.

The way her hand shakes when she tries to pick it up makes me laugh.

why would i get anything from a plant on my burger?

nah it's a mainstay on any sandwich including tacos
but iceberg is trash, you have to at least use romaine, shit

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Texture. Crunchy.

ha I remember

Maybe he's French and trying to make wine?

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Do you not have teeth in your cunt?

number fifteen

god i wish i was one of the grapes

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Your comment only proves that americans dont eat lettuce, shes eating a brussel sprout not lettuce.