
homestuck edition

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Spent every single class in uni either flirting or ditching to go shag. Did 4 months of final year work in about a week and got a first. There is no toil to uni. It's a delayment of adulthood and nothing more.

>portuguese and spanish are languages but scots and english arent'
this double standard doesnt hold up to scrutiny.


shut up you gimp

well rorke?

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please fuck off with scots autism

I attended a meetup for Homestuck in 2011. Ask me anything.

At 4.30pm I'm going to go for a walk on the hills whilst listening to the Alan Partridge podcast

>intellectually challenging, satisfying, time consuming, can be done under influence of drugs, alcohol at your own leisure, done with friends
>an 8 hour window of your day filled with mindnumbing repetition and dealing with shitbag colleagues, draining but not difficult
>phd toil
>like the bastard love child of the two above, all of the bad and none of the good
simple as

thing I like about Creep by Radiohead is how Thom Yorke's vocals have an echo to them, emphasising how alone he really is. twitchy-eyed freak, should be put down via the electric chair

i can write any old bollocks in this job centre journal and it probably wouldn't matter

Try taking a real UNI course then.

What do you think about engaging in violence irl to improve the situation of the white race?

based sensibleposter

You have to kiss ass or else. It's a test of loyalty, herd mentality. A total perversion of their purpose.

>degree: sports science

>My degree in History from Sheffield Hallam University is sooooooo much harder than toiling for 50 hours per week in an office jobs

Arrogant students still have a lot of growing up to do I see

let's have a look at your cock then

>Did 4 months of final year work in about a week and got a first. There is no toil to uni. It's a delayment of adulthood and nothing more.
the only true part of your post. the rest of it is Skins self-insertion fantasy

*makes a normal post about someone*
*forgets im on /brit/ so add on the end that i want to kill the person*

>her pussy when you tell her you're interested in reading about catalytic pyrolysis of lignin in a cascade dual-catalyst system of modified red mud and HZSM-5 for aromatic hydrocarbon production

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I fill mine in once a week and fake endless job rejections so the money keeps coming

pretty mental how my degree in Classical Studies is considered equal to things like hair dressing degrees by some.

hah yeah
anyway, can I get a footlong italian herbs and cheese

Yeah but at least once we get the PhD we'll walk our way into a high-paid and secure postdoc role, r-r-right?

reckon i might as well go for a meme phd

illegal and bad. don't be violent America-san, be peaceful and welcoming to brothers of all colours

why is strong induction considered more concrete than weak induction? they seem to have the same mathematical weight to me

Try talking to a woman.
If they hear you've got a Diploma in Nuclear Physics she will really like you since women like intelligent men.

you already saw it

>office drones
>real job

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>people pay money to attend sheffield hallam when they could go to vocational college and get a better standard of education

Worried about 190

Nearly 12 hours since his last post


alri virgin freak

yeah im married

na, im too busy signing off a 5 billion trade deal between Saudia Arabia and China.

sometimes when i'm in the shower, i pretend to be a yank. i put on a yank accent and start shooting stuff by making pistols with my hands lool

he's in /box/

s..s..sure that's... exactly... how it went for me...
desu you couldnt pay me enough money to deal with the physics autists anymore, 3.5 years of phd was more than enough of the bastards and then there's the idiot narcissist ones urgh
bad times they were
wouldn't mind getting paid 40k a year to doss with my uni mates mucking about with some theoretical physics but fat chance of that happening

Baffled me as well. Probably a spook distinction that academia lacks the collective intelligence and perceptivity to escape. Aka like 98% of all the other horseshit you encounter.

he's probably still asleep, lazy bastard

actually a degree in hair dressing is proof you've been taught a skill, and will probably get you a job in hair dressing
a degree in reading the thoughts of dead foreign blokes is far more useless and will get you a job stacking shelves

epic farts coming from my dad in the kitchen

aha don't worry lad he was just at mine last night for a few tins
he's fine just feeling a bit worse for wear this morning aha


you arent'.
you spend your entire time here going on about shagging peoples mums

It doesn't matter if it's all bullshit, it still requires you to give up 50 hours of your work jumping through meaningless hoops if you want your pay-cheque

can't believe there are physics phds here and then.. me.. a freak with no degree and a shit job. fuck sake, thinking about suicide again, lads

bloody yanks

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is that right
yeah uh, italian BMT on that one mate

Yeah, that's why every single uni in the uk was founded to teach classical studies.

bought some wine again. NO, FRENCH LAD, IT ISN'T FRENCH WINE, it's from New Zealand

RBG is my patronus

Computer Science at a Russell Group Uni. Uni is a piece of piss. If you did any work in uni outside the coursework and exams then you didnt do uni right.

anyone remember this

Yeah you do get a lot of arrogant personalities in academia unfortunately, although they're not all bad. What's your plan for after? Still gonna apply for postdocs, or sack it off and get a job in industry?

>can't believe there are physics phds here
yeah but get in the queue mate, he's making my sandwich right now

lool thats not me. there a few different frogs who regularly post here.

Sorry, just got to take this call.
My job at Parliment has just had a 60k pay rise.

don't worry mate, I got a degree I had no intention of using from the beginning. so you're not the only brainlet here

fuck france

already had it last night

remember the half german guy at school who did german at GCSE and A level and basically got them for free

phd's havers get paid like £20k mostly in academic roles lad

don't feel bad about it

business idea:
funding porn where frenchmen are deflowering MENA women in hijabs

Imagine thinking that flirting with a girl in fucking uni is so utterly fantastical that it simply cannot be believed. Imagine the life you need to lead to believe this.

wow yeah, must be real valuable
see a lot of postings on Indeed for classical.. studiers..

work with a lad who has a phd in physics and he makes over 100k

haha yeah
reminded me of this as well

is pooey nigger lad in?

It's a flat trade-off.

Have to give up large stretches of time 5/7 days
Actual territorial independence and real money/not debt/bank of mum and dad

Much more free time, laxer requirements (still must appease almighty cockgoblin admin)
Enjoy sharing a house with 5 imbecile reprobates / halls of rez, general depravity, funding is limited and turns into weird debt unless you're already loaded enough to afford tuition

yeah 100k smarties a year

The unbelievable part is that YOU did it you hunchbacked freak

girl here. what does having a willy feel like

do not use the p word here, please. thank you.

fite me cunt

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been a toilsman for 6 years now though im freelance these days and the moneys deece
academia wages are shit in the uk versus cost of living and you dont get a good pension, permanent posts are rarer than hen's teeth and you've always got the problem that if you grab a postdoc and the group turns out to be useless then you've kinda shagged your future
so yeah, 7hrs a day programming is fine by me

kek this is me

wow mental
yeah, cheese and toasted, nice one

yeah mate

Physics is mostly bullshit anyway. That stuff about "at least the STEM subjects are still real learning" = military state propaganda. It's still rote repetition and stalling.

like a big clit

>if you stuck in at uni you didnt do it right
>n-not me
yeah. hello mong. you know thats how boris johnson got his job yeah?!!!!!!!

every single class he said, mate.

the kind of person who spends every single class flirting or vanishing to shag somebody is not the kind of person who goes on /brit/, let alone even knows what Zig Forums is. shaggers do not post on Zig Forums

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rent free

Friday Tune



please just shut the fuck up

t. scot

nice carbon footprint there bud

Unironically a 6'5" slab of meat with a gorgeous full head of hair and piercing blue eyes with a sense of humour that gets every bird desperate to spend time with me. Now imagine me sitting in a room full of 5'6" speccy ginger nerds with jewfros that want to talk about capeshit all the time. I was a golden god in uni.

I could have spent uni in a studio flat but stayed in a house with strangers for the entire time. I wish I had a flat to myself so I could cook, eat and watch TV whenever I feel like it instead of compromising to the whims of other beings

cope on, virgin
not your secret club any more

same, like 2k extra for a kitchen though


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