Is Brazil OK?

Is Brazil OK?

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Kek, fucking right-wingers are peak retardation.

do girls really use urinals..?

Why do Brazilians act like our right-niggers but somehow even worse?

Trannies seem pretty crazy desu

>tfw i didn't grew up in a Brazilian school


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What does it say? Something-something trannies bad?

what does it say

Yes being a tranny is totally sane you’re very well adjusted

The problem isn't someone identifying himself as women or men, when it isn't, biologically speaking.
Gender ideology promotes a psychic violence when it obliges me to identify a man as someone he isn't, in my perception.

>the problem isn't the fact that a person can identify himself as either a man or a woman, when biologically the person isnt what he claims to be.

>this ideology of gender promotes psychic violence in forcing me to treat someone that in my perception--
(it cuts off over here)

if it sounds a bit retarded, it's because it is. Eduardo doesnt know how to use pontuation.

LatAm right-wingers are a sad parody of fringe American right-wingers
Who cares tho? Those guys just want scapegoats to light the fire of hatred in their partisans. Religious people and retards are driven by it, guilt, hatred, underachievement and superiority complex. So they target marginalized groups 24/7, as if calling a tranny by a women's name is the end of the world. Sensitive cunts, that's it.

>Who cares tho? Those guys just want scapegoats to light the fire of hatred in their partisans. Religious people and retards are driven by it, guilt, hatred, underachievement and superiority complex. So they target marginalized groups 24/7, as if calling a tranny by a women's name is the end of the world. Sensitive cunts, that's it.

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Actually, no one bothered searching for the whole thing. which is:

O problema não é a pessoa se identificar como homem ou mulher, quando biologicamente não o é.

A ideologia de gênero promove uma violência psíquica ao me obrigar identificar como homem uma pessoa que minha percepção enxerga como mulher. É o aprisionamento estatal do meu cérebro!

The problem isn't someone identifying himself as women or men, when it isn't, biologically speaking
Gender ideology promotes a psychic violence when it obliges me to identify as a man someone who my perception sees as a woman. This is the State imprisoning my brain.

Oh come on, now, they act as if people want to legalize pedophilia and have trannies fuck their children, kek.

Yes of course that’s all trannies are asking for you’re not being a dishonest retard at all

Why is the average Brazilian so retarded to see transsexuality as normal and even more so to encourage it in children who have not yet developed their sexuality?
Then you go around lamenting that you live in a shithole, when a decent politician tries to fix it you all jump down his throat

>"let me tell you about how people act in your country"
lmao. you dont know shit about us

That's exactly what he is implying with his retarded tweet. He doesn't want to identify trannies as women, that's it. That's his grudge. Who the fuck cares about this? Why is this the end of the world to call John, Joanna? Nobody deals with it on a daily basis, trannies as just mentally ill people. But right-wingers use this as a platform. As if people were pushing for trannies to fuck children and whatnot.

No one, and I mean NO ONE, talks about trannies more than rightards. Perhaps you wouldn’t be so angry all the fucking time if you could get them out of your head

>Who cares tho? Those guys just want scapegoats to light the fire of hatred in their partisans. Religious people and retards are driven by it, guilt, hatred, underachievement and superiority complex. So they target marginalized groups 24/7, as if calling a tranny by a women's name is the end of the world. Sensitive cunts, that's it.

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>Why is the average Brazilian so retarded to see transsexuality as normal
Nobody sees it as normal, it is tolerated, so are a myriad of things I'd classify as deviant. People must be free to live their lives if they aren't harming anyone. Calling a tranny by a women's name isn't the end of the world.
> to encourage it in children who have not yet developed their sexuality?
What? kek

He's right, that's the reason everyone with good intetions ends immigrating to another country.

>Who cares tho? Those guys just want scapegoats to light the fire of hatred in their partisans. Religious people and retards are driven by it, guilt, hatred, underachievement and superiority complex. So they target marginalized groups 24/7, as if calling a tranny by a women's name is the end of the world. Sensitive cunts, that's it.

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Yes, people migrate because of trannies. Mental.

fuck off juanito


>NO ONE, talks about trannies more than rightards
That and gays. It's actually funny, because left-wingers usually treat those subjects as fringe issues, I know I do and I write quite a lot, but it's the main driving vector behind a lot of right-wing rhetoric nowadays. It wasn't uncommon to read things like
>Gay dictatorship
>Trannies want pedophilia legalized
>Gays want to have children become gay too
etc etc etc
Top kek.

no, hormonizing children and adolescents to change their hormonal system is terrifying, and even worse to mutilate the genitals. A society that tolerates that, and even worse, that treats as if it were a madman who criticizes that, is condemned.

What the fuck is this post

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mentally ill pedo subhumans deserve the rope

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do inform me of ocasions where the use of hormones in brazil is heavily incentivized to children. because i have worked in that area for years and i have never heard of such thing

He's retarded but isn't wrong in this case

Transgenderism alone is disgusting, specially when the state enforces it as normal

>kid has brain problem
>problem: nerve signal that tells them what their genetic sex is happens to be fucked
>if not fixed they’ll kill themselves
>medical science not advanced enough to do anything other than treat the symptoms
>solution: hormones and occasionally surgery
Do you have a better solution? I’m all ears

>have mental illness
>fix mental illness
What’s the problem here? Do you hate people with PTSD and schizoids and post-partum depression.