Quick. Hire one

Quick. Hire one.

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guy on the right looks kinda tribal, like hnter gatherer tier

i'll hire him

left, idk something about him seems more trustworthy than right

Right, I can pay him less a

Right, the left one is so fat you can see it from his face

>Outnumbered by Indians, Chinese
>Aboriginal issues more relevant than them
>Still make the universe all about them wherever they go
Jesus Christ

Hire right as a human shield, then left to haul him off to dead nigger storage

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"White" guy, nigger can fuck off.
90% of the time, when I hired a nigger, they ended up stealing things.

>dem wypipo is raycis a bloo bloo

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What's the job?

Impregnating horses

Honestly I think you can have a successful multiracial country with the condition that blacks aren’t a part of it. They’re too ugly and violent, everyone else turns on them eventually and is distrustful of them.

>Hire one
To do what?

To suck your dick

Wrong. Insects have little empathy.

if that's the case then right one
nigga haz them dick sucking lips


Hire KARA BOGA Obviou.sly

So he can stink up the work place?

Can I see their resume?

I won't hire based on an image but hire based on their accomplishments.
If the black dude is showing to be a better for the job he applies to he will get it.
If he is trying to get it just because he is black then he is out of luck, but the same goes to anyone else be it white or asian.
I guess when I will make my company it will be filled with asians.

>hire based on their accomplishments
That would make you a racist.

how is that racist? are you implying black people have no accomplishments? if that's the case the one being racist here is you

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Nah, it won't.

What are their qualifications tho? If it's for a physical job (labourer) I would definitely hire the black guy.they have muscles like mountain ranges.

>They have muscles like mountain ranges
Have you ever met anyone from continental Africa?

Hire the indian guy from a call center.


picking one solely based on the face? isn't that like illegal in the west? i'd choose whoever is more qualified. they can't realistically have the exact same resume and interview answers.

black guy real men work
white guy for diversity hire

I find it really dishonest how they put the wrong answer on the left side considering people who read from left to right are naturally going to gravitate towards the left and pick whatever they see first when making a split second decision.

What are their qualifications?

Aboriginals in Canada are treated much better than blacks in the US though.