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International #1332
Do people watch the champions league in your country?
Which city should be the European capital? pic related
1. Your country
How do you think Trump is going to react when he loses on Tuesday?
Need help finding motivation to learn French
What is your honest thoughts on France?
1) Your country
Kurva anyátok
American millionaire
Vocaroo thread
Are you a sex haver or a non sex haver?
/cum/ - Canada, United States, Mexico
Why do these two cunts hate eachother?
Whats your cunt's equivalent of hillbillies or lower class trash?
Ibn Fadlan, 10th century Arab explorer comments on Nordic women. Your thoughts, Zig Forums?
Post a pic of your room (in your country)
What's the state of journalism in your country? Trustworthy and reliable or propagandized trash?
/ita/ - il filo
1. country
What kind of guys are the most desirable in your country?
Does your country have a monarchist party/movement?
How to distinguish Europeans (according to Japanese Q&A site)
Now that 2020 is almost over, how would you rate year so far?
1. country
/fr/ - Le francofil
Your cunt
/dixie/ – The SOVTH & Friends
Map thread
Oh no no Europe
Your cunt
Anyone else here with an exceptional IQ? My IQ is quite exceptionally low, it was tested at 69 when I was 13
Tfw the 1% Mongol decides to come out
Countries better than Belgium: France, Sweden, Austria, Switzerland, Italy
Is women hooking up with each other common in your country?
Norwegian cuisine
Name one country
Which one are you Zig Forums?
Post the best memri pics you have
Ur cunt
CIA bros
What’s their endgoal?
Rate my rankings
/brit /
What's the best firearm you cunt produced?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/flag/ + /extraflags/
Ghosted by a Swede
This is what Americans think the Netherlands looks like
What strain do you smoke in you're cunt?
Your country?
Does this happen in your country?
/fr/ - le fil de France
/ita/ - il filo
I suffer in latinix America
Your country
/islam/ essentiell /deutsch/
Sverigetråden - Polisupplagan
Kurva anyátok
I sincerely doubt your country has currency as aesthetic as our new watermelon bills
Why do whites blame shitskins so much for the fall of their countries when they're part of the problem as well?
Has anyone been to Mexico City? How is life there...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2445
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2346
VGH the schools of Norway
Did yall actually lose your virginity in high school?
Zig Forums is more racist than Zig Forums
1. country
Me visiting other countries when they don't speak american
I knew western woman are freaks but not to THIS extent
Be east african
Post your country 1000 years ago
/cum/ - canada, usa, mexico
I don't smoke
I'd sex the middle one ngl
I fucked plenty of women of different nationalities. But i will only marry Armenian/Georgian woman
Why does Leddit have a raging hardon for per-revolution Iran? Why be so misinformed as to call Iran "Persia"...
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
/fr/ - Le francofil de l'état de nature retrouvé
Sverigetråden - KDU-upplagan
Germany thread
According to a recent poll, 87% of all Greeks would fight turkey to liberate Anatolia
Which way nordic boy?
Are Germans really cold, awkward people? Or is it just a steorotype?
This is how an Zig Forums meetup would end up like
I defend freedom of speech but not against Islam
/ita/ - il filo
Native American Thread
I want to have a real gun If I was born in America, my hobby would be shooting. Do you have a real gun?
Check out these 100% european white portuguese aryan people who are totally not moor descendants (despite being...
Did you know Japan has four seasons?
Creates shitpost on Zig Forums
/desi/ - Pakistan edition
Have you known kids who who went to private/international schools? Were they faggots?
Australian vietnamese girl learns serbian in 300 days and makes a youtube series about serbian culture and cooking
Are you a minority?
Sverigetråden NNN-Upplagan
Australian reddit users are mostly Asian
Sverigetråden - Styrkeupplagan
2 days
Are they proud of their arabic past?
White man walks in south east asia
"What 10 countries / continents / regions do you dislike the most? Here is my list:
I don't get why Gibraltar can't just be Spanish
When did you grow out of your anti-American phase?
There's a nazi Czech guy in the German General, does this happen in your country?
Desktop computer
Anti Semitic country
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/fr/ - le francofil
Have you ever kissed a hapa?
People in the balkans make 3$ an hour
Is coffee bad for you?
Are Baizuos a massive problem in your country?
Turkey vs Argentina
This is perfection
Why do you like posting on int?
Are Karelians Russian or Finnish?
Are you brave enough for war?
Thoughts on French Revolution?
Kurva anyátok
Why do thirdies think they suffer lmao
According to the Chinese this girl is extremely ugly due to having freckles and a jawline
Do non whites get bullied if they ask their food to be non spicy?
/v4/ and friends
Live so far north it's constant darkness from nov-feb
Why is Islam still not declared a sect, and banned? Normal people who are Muslims exist...
Does int play genshin?? also show your gang
Are you ok with this or you have a better idea?
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /ܐܝܣܪ/ - /isr/
Stupid white guy goes to Thailand
Do Canadians really?
Why didn't the White man conquer and colonize this land...
Canada bros... what the fuck are you doing?
Wtf Chinese GDP per capita is like $10,000. That's literally 80% of what I make...
/lat/ hilo latino
Can I pass as local in your cunt?
Has your cunt ever been under the occupation of a forgein power?
How Malaysia view it's neighbors
Why do Asians view buff men who work out as gay but think that twink flowerboys are masculine and chads?
Why are Americans so hostile towards their own security forces?
Japanese/Korean cultural superiority
What's your experience with Vietnamese people? Do they smell funny?
User you have to know geography
Karma is real westerners get immigrant that they deserve:
Did they make the right choice?
Vocaroo threda
Is Australia doing okay?
Imagine a debate between these guys. Who will win?
Do you love Finland?
Be Californian
Fuck Europe
See video of American doing a tour of his house
/lat/ hilo latino
What will happen to this place? The future doesn’t look bright.. not only are the economies stagnating...
Best country in Latin America
Why is god so cruel to us ricebros?
Have you encountered South African white people? How are they like? They're all over here in Vietnam...
Hey american bros, How are things going there? What happens if Trump wins?
Faces of Zig Forums
Japan, South Korea, or Taiwan?
Goni is now the strongest typhoon in human history, comparable to Haiyan and will probably be in my area by tonight
Are mutts a thing in other countries, or only in America? What do other countries think of them?
Why are iranians like this?
How are you holding up, bros?
Which South East Asian nation will rise to a Superpower status?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
The mena starter pack
Is China turning into North Korea?
What ethnicity was he?
Are you considered handsome* in your country?
Spanish pronunciation challenge
Do amerilards really memorise 50 states? My monkey brain is too smooth for this
In three days Zig Forums will be completely unusable no matter what
Im going for a nofap this month
Chinese women are the most beautiful in the world
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
What's up with zoomers all having "depression" these days. Also why do they always have an anime profile pic?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/balt/ + /ausnz/
The new royal family of America. 5 videos all at the top trending at the same time. It's over for Kardasians
/fr/ - le francofil
Today is the 15th birthday of the princess of Spain, say something nice about her!
Even rich people in Korea live in commie block
Do girls in your country dress like this?
/dixie/ Southern US & haints
How do you tell your boss you would like to work fewer hours...
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Is she white
How come Latin American countries don't have nukes
I need to stop wasting my limited time on this planet in front of this fucking screen
/nightwalk/ etzela wieder /deutsch/
Why are they so bitter at China?
/ita/ il filo
Are Asian women really the most beautiful in the world?
Are they Turks?
, the uni entrance exam in Japan is difficult in the world?
What do Europoors do for Halloween?
I don't care about France
/fr/ - le francofil
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
What happens here?
Tfw scottish
Would you be ashamed of having Jewish blood?
A gorilla vs a bear you ask? the bear would win that fight, of course
/brit /
Where would you live in France?
You can only post in this thread if you had GROWTH
Arab and Latina girls are very similar you know
How are Japanese girls so cute?
Sverigetråden - Underklassupplagan
Why are americans building these cardboard houses in tornado areas?????????
Holy shit Trump bros rammed the biden truck
/carib/ edition: Trick Or Treat
French general claims that the Browning of America will split the Europe and US apart
Hahaha, japs' response to hentai restrictions in Australia
What does it mean?
Landlords? Hecking based, I tip them 70% extra
Is it true everyone is happy in sweden and norway?
Pro-America Thread
Is there a single white european person left in netherlands?
Why are they the only civilized muslims?
/fr/ - Le Francofil
Voter turnout in 2016 US elections was 55.5%
Please continue to buy French products
Imagine not being catholic, the true religion
Why is their english so good? can they be considered anglos at this point?
Why do first worlders visit third world countries?
American taking a shit in the grocery store. Opinions?
You are reborn as one of the many russian minorities
October 31, 2020
Why are you not out traveling the world when there are no tourists?
The most developed regions of Latin America
Why do you love Japan so much?
Sverigetråden - Ensliga Upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
How the fuck is Rey Mysterio's son whiter than him despite looking alike? His family is 100% Mexican
My mom just offered me my cousin back in Afghanistan for marriage...
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Is romania med?
So why do they hate Israel again? I get Arabs are butthurt about living near Jews but Iran?
ITT: We post very American pics
I just got out of basic training and they told me I'm going to spend a year learning Chinese for my job. What do I do
Good god words can’t even describe how much contempt I have against this country...
1) I am Swedish
So this is the famed muslim bvll I keep hearing about?
Ywn live in 90s New York
This is how I feel when I have to travel to Germanic countries
/fr/ - le francofil du samedi soir
Phew, that was close
Go to YouTube
God this country is such a fucking disgrace
I am proud citizen of European Union. Together we are stronger
My sister is befriending old babushkas without any family
Kurva anyátok
Be American
Brick game
/desi/ - Is Sonia Gandhi French? edition
Vocaroo Request Thread
/frosch/ besser bekannt als /apu/ ehemals /deutsch/
Have you ever met a girl from bavaria? What are they like?
Draw soyjak from memory!
Brazilians of Zig Forums what do you think of BOPE?
Sverigetråden - Räddningsupplagan
/fr/ - le fil francophone
This country is just so fkn beautiful... its unfair
/ita/ - il filo
Surrendered to anglos
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Are your country's tourists like this?
How do eastern european countries deal with muslims?
Be european
Do people actually do this? What do you do with all that oil after using it for the first time? Reuse it for months...
Faces of Zig Forums (I'm not going back, kaffir) edition
Do americans really live in this?
There must be more to life than cooming and videogames
American sweets
Do all romanian girls look like this?
/fr/ - le fil libre du pays réel et de la francophonie
Goodbye Canada
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
Sverigetråden Lördagsfest-upplagan
Sverigetråden DON V DU E DÖD Upplagan
WTF? France voted for Macron and got Le Pen
What do people eat for lunch in your cuntry of residence?
1. country
Facts about Nordic people
Did you ever post pics of yourself here?
Second biggest oil producer in the world
If you have this haircut or some variant of it, you're an NPC
I have impregnated my gf by accident and now she wants to have it
Has Zig Forums changed your view of people from certain countries? I dislike indians and brazilians now
3.5 million likes for this from a star of MMA
If Japan accepts immigrants, will you immigrate?
ITT:We post white nationalists from your cunt
Why not ?
Long hair Asian me
Why does 3rd worlders always try to justify their shittiness by blaming it on different regions?
/desi/ navel gazing edition
Post yfw you saw the new "post successful" screen
Ur cunt
/fr/ - le francofil
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
3 days until civil war in America
Opinions on Leipzig? Probably gonna do my Masters there
It's the french fault
Does your country celebrate something on the 31st of October?
/hingschissn/ ehemals /deutsch/
Why does unseasoned food make brown people seethe
2020. Top 20 GDP per capita
/ita/ IL FILO
/lat/ - hilo latino
Russian Suomi bois
What's the purpose of this board?
Why isn't Indian continent a thing yet? Why is it still a sub-continent?
Do people in your country like food?
Do Jap really find her ugly?
Hi Zig Forumscels so how was your week in your country? and how are you gonna celebrate halloween?
If your enemies decapitate you, you win
Korean 174cm
This is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life. I would fuck her (in a hot shower)...
Post land your country has conquered
Built schools, universities, houses, churches and roads in its colonies
Poverty in Nepal
There are 3 billion women in the world, why I don't have a girlfriend
Tfw America ruined your country
In january will be the first time that britains cannot just leave the british isles to go live somewhere else in about...
Post American cities
Confess, Zig Forums
Richer than Mexico: Rich
Indians of int, are north indians whiter than south indians?
Your cunt
/fr/ - le francofile
It was the Germanic peoples who destroyed Rome
Why are Americans so good at music?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Sverigetråden Spökliga-upplagan
I can't stand going to the city center, I can't stand those rich snobbish people with fancy clothes and beautiful gfs...
I'm a rampant homosexual
Is Zig Forums religious?
Why is it difficult for a man in Europe to find a gf?
What is it reallly like to celebrate Halloween ?
Are there women browsing this board or Zig Forums?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
Why is insulting islam is freedom of speech but insulting blacks, jews and homos is bigotry in the west?
Do you think Biden or America will win on Wednesday?
How did America fuck this up so badly?
What’s your race?
Hey DOBRODOŠLI v nitu posvečenu medžuslovjanskomu jezyku i slovjanstvu
Does your city have retarded buildings?
/esp/ Normalín Edition
Alright jap bros, you have exactly five (5) seconds to explain how the FUCK this is enough to sustain you
/ישר/ - /isr/
Tfw just remembered the UK is worst amongst developed countries
Zig Forums is Reddit with soijak for downvotes and gigachad for upvotes
1. your country
Doom Eternal OST - The Only Thing they Fear is You (Mick Gordon)
This can't happen soon enough
All of my high school friends brains are fried from weed does this happen in your cunt?
A strong earthquake hit the Greek islands. Pray for the two teenagers who died
Sverigetråden Mysig Lördagsmorgon-upplagan
This petulant shithole killed over 1 million people worldwide with China virus and nobody holds them accountable...
If China has a million supporters, I’m one of them
/v4/ + friends
Kurva anyátok
Pic related is the winner of Miss. Japan in 2020
/fr/ - le francofile
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Why are french so rude?
To the Russian posters
Put uppity Muslims in camps
/tr/ - erdem alsırt TC no edition
What is going on in france?
Everyone talks about the Amerimutt, but no one dares discuss the Russimutt
Turks: Thoughts on Ataturk?
Average American geographical knowledge
Why are Japanese so nationalistic?
So you're telling me iberian chads literally just going to a new continent and deciding to coom is what created the...
Why does everyone on Zig Forums think their race is the best? Not even Zig Forums is this autistic
What are your thoughts on California? The mightiest if all the American states
/balt + ausnz/ + lads
Fuck off we're fu-
Race black pill
Where can I escape the mudslim threat?
I thought Korea was shithole
I was reading the constitution that michelle bachelet postulate about the reform and it scares the living shit out of...
/ita/ - il filo
Are these memes real? Do americans regularly go bankrupt from snake bites?
/desi/ - Feeling happy in my pain Icicles within my brain
Coronavirus cases in China: 85,973
Are the Muslims going to get him?
There are Japan vloggers but are there China vloggers, Taiwan vloggers, or Korea vloggers?
Edition de la Neige
/lat/ hilo latino
Quick. Hire one
I found things like spider webs on bananas from Brazil
Why are Asians living in Asia so ashamed of their natural features...
So I've been told many people who went to work in Japan eventually come back in the end...
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2345
Is it true that if her boyfriend is white she's technically single?
You can only choose one
What smell comes to mind when you see this flag?
/balk/ aкa /bawk/
There's no one poorer than me in this board, I earn around 165 dollars per month. Save me
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Why is she considered black by americans?
Only electricians are allowed to post in this thread
The USA spends as much on defense as the Roman Empire did
Thank you New Zealand
Why are Brazilians like this?
Do you think swedish bois are cute? Int?
Are girls in your country mean? What's the meanest thing a girl ever said/did to you?
Let's settle this once and for all
One language = One country
How much USD do you need a year to live comfortably in you're country?
Why are they the most insecure of the south americans?
God Save the Queen
Post mentioning portugal
/prit/ (formerly /brit/)
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine