Your cunt

>your cunt
>do you grow your hair?
I want my hair to be long, I will not cut my hair until it can look like left in the pic.

Attached: 단발 vs 장발.jpg (1000x2132, 423.54K)

Yes, I have a big afro.

I used to, but I got called gay by 2 stranger girls in metro once and so I cut it

단발 is cuter but I have yellow fever so I might be biased

Why would you want your hair to be that long? Long hair doesn't fit every man. Same with being bald. It's all about your head shape dude

weak mind. when I was younger I used to be called miss by strangers a few times
I just kept growing it longer

are you cute

I used to have hair all the way down to my butt, but it was a little too much to take care of. Lots of grease + ponytail is nasty, and during winter I'd have to dry it completely before going out.

Same as the right panels even the colour match

My hair is rather long now.

Never happened to me and mine's past shoulders. I think your face is not masculine enough to pull of long hair unless you want to be homo gay.

Based. Go for what you like. Do not listen to what others say.

Why are you curious?

Is it natural or dyed? I really like this color too.

Well not completely the same colour but almost, it's natural yea

I had long hair as a teenager in my metal phase.
Now i got hairloss so it looks terrible and also doesnt fit my visuals anymore.

>It's all about your head shape dude
I agree with this. I just want to try long hair and see with my eyes whether it looks better on me than ordinary haur.

This happened to me when I was like 10 or 12. Obviously I had a childish face, so you could easily mistake me for a girl
now I have a strong jaw and a beard, plus I'm 190cm tall, you could difficultly mistake me for a girl.

because that haircut is cute

I wish it would look cute on me t-too..

Attached: anime girl shy.png (482x640, 279.69K)

that's great. i wish you become cuter.

yes, my hair is nearly as long as right pic

most gay dudes have actually short hair not long lol

i have long hair about the same length as left in the pic

I used when I was in middle school, until a teacher call me "lady"

Attached: unnamed.jpg (449x512, 68.09K)

thank you user!

How long did it take for you from left to now?

hair is as long as right, just a tad shorter

Attached: home wah.jpg (274x351, 20K)

I buzzcut my hair because i hate having to take care of it

Attached: 1603784885584.jpg (720x642, 46.49K)

maybe 1 year don't know exactly

lol they called me jesus when i was in high school with my long curly hair that almost was past my shoulders

1 years is a lot of time. It must have taken some patience. I'm using a special shampoo for boosting hair growth and for now I think it works well, fortunately.

i haven't cut my hair in 3 years. I don't like how i look with short hair.
happend a few times. I don't mind, though

My hair curls so I can't do that

I kinda look like this nigga so maybe it's true

Attached: pharaoh.jpg (350x350, 12.44K)

come to korea and start youtube bro
you'll make fuck tons of money with bitches jumping on your crotch

I have frodo hair.

can i see your haircut now

I like my hair short. Not buzz cut short but like 1 month of growing long is the perfect length.

are you a woman?