Are there women browsing this board or Zig Forums?

i just assume every poster is a dude

Attached: 55ba87b8dd0895c81c8b4581.jpg (1100x1007, 62.45K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm a girl...


women don't exist in the internet dude

Attached: 1601768382360.png (1014x1080, 417.02K)


Attached: 無題.jpg (568x232, 56.63K)

do women exist in general

do you actually believe that or do you have a brain

Why they should tell their gender? It doesn't add any value to their posts.

i know i just want to see pictures of big booba and cute girls

I'm a boy...

That might be the reason why they don't tell, you know.

There is this pretty underground site where you can find that kind of stuff, it's called google


>tfw there could be women in pantyhose reading my post rn
There is literally a Jewess who showed her tits here.

Attached: 2dd.jpg (600x600, 40.15K)

But user, I AM a real woman. Unless you're an intolerant chud incel who thinks I'm heckin' invalid because of my "chromosomes" pseudoscience, you're not a chud are you user...?

Literally me over the red line.


>tfw no femanon gf with a hairy bushy pussy to kick my balls and force me to eat her out

did she have big khazar milkers?
i hope she didn't have a big nose

idc about your genes are you cute and do u have big booba

>did she have big khazar milkers?
>i hope she didn't have a big nose
We will never know she didn't post her face

>kick my balls

I will never get this weird fetish

>vocaroo threads



more like 29% "female", 1% female

as if trannies never made a girly voice

do you have pics

so no big bunda?

women browse their social media and comments, not an anonymous mongolian forum.

I'm not a woman, nor a tranny, nor a homo.
I prefer the pic of her feet anyway

Sure. Women do not exist.

Yes there is a very cute polish girl posting here and I want to kiss and hold her :3

big milkers
too bad she's a jew
