This country is just so fkn beautiful... its unfair

This country is just so fkn beautiful... its unfair

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And we don't work even for a single day

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>want pasta gf

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Bootleg Spain

Italy is more beautiful than Spain...

God i want to spend a night high on LSD in a spanish desert fuuuuck

not white

Your country is the ugliest in Europe you stupid mongrel

who fkn cares
only 4channel nerds are obsessed with that

I wish Italy was annexed by Finland. We would finally be managed by Queen Marin instead of corrupted fucktards, Finns would have a colony to spend the summer in and Italians bulls would become the breeding stock for Finnish Queens and twinks

Discount Greece

heard they had no minimum wage. I wanna get out of my goddamn forsaken country and sweep the streets or something for 2 dollars an hour there. it'd be a hell of a lot better. tho i'm too lazy to learn italian, fug

Me too ;_;

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please come and breed. do whatever you want, but remeber to breed. praise the pope, dog bless

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heard aswell it was a problem right? low birthrate? i've no high standards so, have your back brother

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but we also have flaws

We have more greek archeologica shit than you lmao (also turkey), cuck

We don't really compare us to you
We are historically an inferior version of France

is romania med?

>We are historically an inferior version of France
t.erza media

No you dont

Greece is more beautiful

I definitely want to go to Italy or England

>t. Johann Papadapoulos

Parents are mexicans. 25% italian here, which explains my olive skin. I can larp as a med.


Do you love Japan?

Yes, even the small towns have unbelievably beautiful monuments.

And the big cities have so much stuff to see from the Roman, Medieval, Renaissance and modern times that you can never see them all.

The TCI guide of Rome has 1100 pages...

Attached: duomo di Orvieto.jpg (1627x1369, 1006.11K)


france: soulless
italia: SOVL