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what could become...
why are you so obsessed with balkans, subhuman?
what do you mean?
Everyone wakes up thinking about the balkans, don't you?
it's this one swedish subhuman that is obsessed with us, i want to figure him out, he's triggering my autism
southern dobrogea is Romanian, otherwise BASED
But aren't you obsessed with the balkans?
I am, I think everyone is...
only subhumans are, sorry
>doesnt include slovenia
Based swede
We're too civilized to be associated with these subhuman retards
That't can't be. My waking moments are spent thinking about the balkans... Could it be... could it be that I am... I am not thinking about the balkans after all?
oh my god
It's true isn't it... I wasn't thinking about the balkans at all... it was just Slovenia all along... all this time, all my thoughts have been about Slovenia... but why? Why would I associate Slovenia with the Balkans? I need sometime to process these new developments...
To me the Balkan people have seemed kind of stupid. If they had remained united as Yugoslavia they would be a more prosperous and powerful nation than a bunch of weaker ones.
we couldnt remain in yugoslavia because serbs want to be ruled by serbs in serbia and maintain relations with the russians who never betrayed us and with whom we have a similar language, ethnicity and religion
meanwhile croats want to be ruled from brussels by germans and 2nd class citizens by people who tried to genocide them just a century ago
It can never be for one simple reason
does your country even have an export economy? do slovenians even build/make anything?
how did a random village on a mountain get an entire flag on Zig Forums?
Serbs would still be pissed over kosovo
Bosnians would still want their own country
Macedonians would never accept Bulgarian sovereignty
It'd still be the exact same powderkeg, just with less countries
>serb talking about economy
seriously do slovenians export anything? i always imagined your country like some african village waiting for eu foreign aid and thats how your people survive
what a sad cope
you know well that our standard of living is much higher than yours
So pelase stop embarrassing yourself
>We're too civilized to be associated with these subhuman retards
You are pure balkan retards like the rest of us
>debt towards eu is 17 times his gdp probably
>population exists for the sole purpose of being german colony where they breed toilet cleaner class of citizens
>every generation, whole youth is sucked out of the country to clean toilets in german factories
>no significant industry exists
>no significant exports exist
>>>he calls this a country
puppet state / 10
dont forget when we beat you im 10days
and now you're one of the poorest countries in europe
if you dont have at least 5 cities with a million people, you arent even a country, you are just a province of an actual country
this is why average serb cant find slovenia on the map meanwhile half of your family comes to belgrade or some other actual city to find a job since there's nothing to do back in the village at home
the average serb cant find slovenia on the map because the average iq in serbia is 91
The only thing tha terrifies me about this is sharing a border with Albania.
I honestly would just like to stay as it is as opposed to having these subhuman roaches get in my country and set up their human, drug and organ trafficking operations
>do slovenians even build/make anything?
Sex industry.
Slovenia has a massive trade surplus from selling Slovenian women to foreigners like Trump and Epstein.
>Serbia lost to a province
bretty good but Hungary and BVLLgaria need to be bigger.
>p their human, drug and organ trafficking operations
Do they really?!