cute edition
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why did nz say no to marijuana
I thought they were progressives
mad how people are still going mental over this nowtbuttie
for me its tzuyu
tomorrow is a better theme for halloween than special lol
Sean Connery died lads
Jacinda didn't come out in support of it until after the results came in. If she had supported it, it probably would have passed, but she's spineless
doot doot
she needs to get the milkers out as an apology right now
nowt worse than druggies
If you are an immigrant, you are a guest. You live at your host country's sufferance - and its mercy. Keep your head down, keep your mouth shut or leave. If you cannot understand or follow this simple rule, you deserve everything that happens to you as a consequence.
he's the dog now man
Drinking some Oktoberfest. What are you guys having?
whats the most embarassing thing you've done at a party?
Was it from covid
Irish bottling it waheeey
mad how muzzies are going mad over one man showing one classroom a picture of mohammed (piss be upon him)
a nice spot of heroin
Fuck this scamdemic
reckon people give prostitutes chocolate and flowers?
heres a lovely bouquet, can i also give your oral love and then pay you for your time please
get in lads get in
experiencing fascism rn
Behead those who insult maggie
niggas be talking about "degeneracy" and "culling the weak" while being circumsised
Fork a man, fuck. Cracked onto a bar of cheese and the damn thing bent backwards on me. A whole mess of its own making n had to apologize to half the twats I know. Like a man can't inhabit his own habitat anymore
just a few of these tonight
>‘I am free’: Colorado grandfather comes out as gay at age 90
don't like thinking about it
I'm a 29 yo khhv because of what I did at parties
when i was a kid i thought only the british had parliaments and governments and everybody else had kings
Need Muzzie gf
Fingered a fat scouse prozzie once, hands stunk for ages after tbqh
I think I've blocked most of that from memory because it was so fucking retarded
never seen a circumcised nigger
reckon it wouldnt be down wid da hood nighas yo
Hazards (man down, man down)
Skengs on peds or toes with shanks: do damage (ten toes)
de circumcised man felled the millennia old Wall of Jericho via big dick energy alone
Giving Bannerlord another go lads
watching aaron hickey for bologna v cagliari
never been to one
which is in itself fairly embarrassing
>this is what every catholic/orthodox girl was like until the 1960s
>we threw it all away and now only the muslims have the cute virgins
fuck everything
honestly never noticed any difference between weed strains
cant fathom why youd finger a fat scouse, let alone pay to do so
She needs to watch some makeup tutorials
hiding this post, don't trust it
Fucking fireworks sounds like bagdad here tonight
>Fascism (/ˈfæʃJzəm/) is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism
Ah yes, sums the the tories perfectly
>spitting at someone at all
>spitting at someone during a pandemic
she deserved it
catholic girls have always been massive whores
Put some whizz in the blokes' kettle and his mum's jaw started nearly taking off the day after and I got a knock by the coppers on my door after
lol get rekt
not really though
When I was in Year 8 I realised that most of Ireland is not part of our country. I asked my mentor why is that and he explained. I told him that I still consider them part of our country, such border gore is not allowed.
> Give him another furlough, you swine.
> Yeah, give me another furlough, you shit!
top lad
far too much text
>the woman who instantly gets off the bus to help her
since when were fireworks a halloween thing?
bloody loads going off in my city as well
pee pee poo poo haha
cunt, she deserved it.
he rests the bar on his windpipe and passes out
haha weed junkies really do be like that
us girlz stick together xD
pls don't say this
Have a conspiracy theory that there's a large number of female posters on 4channel who LARP as gay guys to avoid unwanted attention
Its haram but feels so halal
I wouldn't mind seeing another Alan Partridge series where he tries competiting with how popular the internet and podcasts are and how people have moved on from listening to regular radio shows adapting to modern way either that or just give us a Michael spinoff
wish she had gone in front of oncoming traffic
What’s his diet
well not necessarily gay guys
they just know to not talk about being a woman in general because it just causes issues
>grim grim grim
when did you realise the government are secret lurkers on /brit/
Las manos arriba
Cintura sola
Da media vuelta
Danza kuduro
should have stamped on her head after too
I don't think /brit/ invented the word grim
this general is the centre of the internet
>someone posts a webm
>gets loads of replies
>you are using an iphone
fucking hell
she went flying
>so user we heard you dont like slavs in your country, is this true?
grim is a very common word mate get off Zig Forums some time idiot boy
Suez was based though, imagine almost starting WW3 because you were off your face on benzos and painkillers
can someone coherently explain the point of Brexit
really don't get the arguments for it
shouldve got an android
Love slavic women me
cagliari are targetting aaron hickey down the left side and getting away with it desu
doubling up, making efficient blocks and creating so much space
bologna not helping the young lad
people say 'grim' in real life you shut in freak
fuck off nonce
they play on my phone
I'd like to see alan with a youtube channel
Wait so is Britain Trump actually a libcuck or what
lard arse
no oversight for dodgyness in the city of london
well you see it lets the tories and their elite mates make some more money amidst the chaos, and that's about it
uhhhhhh boris what you doing
You need to watch Alan Partridge's Scissored Isles. He tries to look at the social classes in this country whilst driving a Land Rover and explains spitfire nationalism in Tesco.
business idea: mari immigrants
triple grim is a classic /brit/ gimmick
Schizo dancing.
could life ever be sane again ?
anyone made the second lockdown joke? good for couple of likes on insta
unironically deserves a 5 year minimum prison sentence for spitting on someone during a pandemic.
bologna haven't kept a clean sheet in 39 or 40 games i think
serie a record
300 million quid
living with parents has its highs and lows, lads. no rent, food provided, comfy bed, showers, washing machine, can do whatever the fuck I want with zero responsibilities. but they've been getting on my tits lately over how they both talk about lockdown CONSTANTLY
japanese bird eating spaghetti
injurychasers the lot of them
TRUMP 2020
Went into a political argument for about an hour whilst half-drunk with another drunkard
The topic was Brexit and the European Union
>admitting people vote Tory believe the Tories don't care
more of a kanye man myself
He's actually a descendant of a Turko-Jew. He went to elite schools and spent his early career travelling and working from places like Brussels and other internationally renowned places. Then, he became the Mayor of London, one of the most diverse places on Earth.
british and american politics dont compare democrafts are further right than our tories are
Already voted for him 32 times
mental how ive never worked a day in my life and am in the same position as some of you now (live with parents, a few grand to my name)