Why not ?
Why not ?
Other urls found in this thread:
You hate each other
Greeks finally accepted their roots?
Istanbul has more people than your whole country, muslims would outnumber christians tenfold. you would become what Germany will be in 100 years basically
the next level of panturkism
Istanbul alone has more a bigger population than the entirety of Greece. You'd be a de facto Turkish colony
Fuck it
One struggle
ok pitch your ideas for a name
who the fuck is say that
Aegean confederation?
Would be possible if it became a federation, Anatolian federation. Both nations work on their own stuff but share technology, science, military and social standards.
Literally just "Greece", because turds are just Greeks who LARP as TÜRKs due to islamic conversion.
United Kingdom of Eurasia
MUH heritage classes about ancient times
Make Istanbul and Constantinople the official names of the new capital (Istanbul)
Make greek and turkish mandatory in all schools.
Genocide pisslamists, seperate state and church completely.
Ban hijabs in public
Make interfaith marriage legal
Form a religious schism between turkish islam and arap islam
solve the kurt problem
Intergrate cyprus.
kek true
The sultanate of byzantium
are not you too different? (language, religion)
Man i like turks but turkish is such an ugly language , why couldn't they speak farsi or smth
Greeks are like white portuguese
Turks are like brazilian mutts
Greasy Turkey
leave it to the gayreeks to make simpy posts like this lmfao