There's a nazi Czech guy in the German General, does this happen in your country?
There's a nazi Czech guy in the German General, does this happen in your country?
Our general is majority nazi
How does this happen? Are all of them mentally ill?
nazis only exist in argentina dude
nobody cares bro
Same, and it's a good thing
What do you mean?
How is being a nazi a good thing?
There is a Texas tranny in our general
Save us
It's not a good thing,why would you say that?
seek help
You're mentally ill, n*zi scum
It's comfy
I expected more from a frenchman.
We can't use "bad" words in our general because the Finnish tranny janny will give warnings or ban us.
imagine having a janny constantly in your general, my sides
That's great.
Like “neekeri“?
(S)he's there 24/7 and we kinda despise him.
There's some janny brown nosers in our general who smash the report button every time they see a bad word or a link to some bad news. Wasted effort 2bh
the eternal janny tranny
Lucky you, our general is mostly terroni
You don't know how many times I've received warnings and once I got banned but desu I deserved it because I went too far with my words.
yeah most israelis on this board are jewnazis - against arabs.
the entire general is filled with schizo nazis
Why is he wearing a t-shirt inside his shirt? Is it that cold?
The Jannies have, historically speaking, been always pathetic people. I have been on the internet like since 1998, and all the "moderators", "chat owners", "room owners" etc I saw were mostly pathetic people who wanted power over others. Yet their only power is having access to a few Javascript functions, which makes them think they're the emperor of China.
Most Jannies are straight up megalomaniacs who are too much of a failure to pursue more realistic dreams that can lead to achievement of their real authority, like being a CEO or a manager.
Leftist ones are also especially unbearable as they are x2 more fragile than the regular jannies. Still, all of them are megalomaniacs and do it for free.
Makes sense, all the """"german""" nazis on the internet are either slavs and american servicemen speaking in broken German.
Du bist win rassenverrater
kill yourself
About a quarter of the Mex general is brown white supremacists in denial.
My brother
The edgelords like to pretend to be a NSBer
>do it for free
What happened to the Germans omg? You people started the XXth century as the most based nation in europe and didn't let the first world War demoralise you...and now look at yourselves lmao. Defending negroes and Arabs,hating national socialists even though they are intrinsic to the German identity and so on. I bet you don't even feel bad about Germany losing 20% of its lands after the wars.
That's what inceldom does
Stop baiting brainlet
>kill yourself
>ideology that lasted two decades at most
>intrinsic to german identity
>>kill yourself
>Ignores the roots of national socialism
LOL what is pan Germanism? Have you heard of Wagner? What about anti-judeobolshevism? What about ostsiedlung which is the precursor to the idea of Lebensraum? What about the Germanic identity?
Was talking about it with my brother recently