Everyone talks about the Amerimutt, but no one dares discuss the Russimutt

Everyone talks about the Amerimutt, but no one dares discuss the Russimutt.
Seems like every other individual from Russia is mixed with something.

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Fatlard mutt cope


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RVS BVLL absolutely destroying american boys in arm vvrestling

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There's nothing wrong with being a great russian ape.

Typical muttmerikkkan whataboutism

Benzema at 3:45


If you think that word applies to this, you do not know how to use that word.

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>Russia is mixed with something
they have genetically engineered cat girls there

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Sure sure only you muttshatts are allowed to use this word and only regarding my country right? Otherwise it doesn't work and doesn't exist and used wrong etc etc

because americans have the black drop rule, that turns you into a mutt goblino


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>Whataboutism, also known as whataboutery, is a variant of the tu quoque logical fallacy that attempts to discredit an opponent's position by charging them with hypocrisy without directly refuting or disproving their argument.[1][2][3]
I'm not trying to discredit or refute anything.
I'm just bringing up the subject -- Amerimutts exist and Russimutts also exist.

>Sure sure only you muttshatts are allowed to use this word and only regarding my country right?
Also, you're schizophrenic.

You are subhuman

>You are subhuman
You are Russian

>mixed with something
Yes, baltic and nordic blood

Attached: Kirill_Zaytsev.jpg (771x1088, 151.28K)

I've learned that there are a ton of Ukrainian, Caucasian, and Central Asian Russimutts.

We dont consider them russians nor call them by that name.

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Barnaul is Tatar and Central Asian, Semen

Because Russians aren't obsessed about being called white? Everyone knows they are mutts and even they accept it.

you are american

Plenty is like one in a thousand? Your entire cunt are made of them, like 75% or more

Don't play retard, pidorashka, you know where is "barnaul" part came from

Pidorashka is u.
It doesn't matter where your reddit (2ch) meme is from, don't touch my Barnaul, slav(e)

Everyone is mixed of something. Americans are joked as mutts because they're quite insecure about it and have to get $100 23andme to prove they're 1/14 bavarian

>Because Russians aren't obsessed about being called white? Everyone knows they are mutts and even they accept it.
>We dont consider them russians nor call them by that name.
discuss amongst yourselves

My ancestry test showed only Norwegian and a few percent swedish.

Which is much better.

Dont @ me, slant churka

How do they define "Norwegian" and "Swedish" since they've also migrated from somewhere else at some point of history.