My face isn't bad and my height is normal. But why?
There are 3 billion women in the world, why I don't have a girlfriend
I can give you my sister if you give me yours
There's more than 3 billion, more like 3,7 - 4,0 billion.
The 7 billion people figure is a bit over a decade old and the exponential growth is insane
life fucks us all
80% of women fuck 20% of men.
It's because you aren't looking for the right type of gf. A Steppe gf.
My sister is a virgin. My sister wants a boyfriend
I hate how people call this figure a incel myth when it's historically proveable with genetic data.
Theres like 100x as much matrilineal DNA variance as there is patrilineal.
Historically literally like 1/100 or 1/200 men got to actually make kids. Why should now be any different?
This. Women are taught they're priceless treasures from day 1 so they expect a man commensurate with their ego's evaluation of themselves. Sometimes a desperate single 35 post wall powderpuff will drop her standards to normal levels and mate with an average guy and thats when marriages happen.
Another photo of my sister
My face looks like this
Thanks japbro
I'm 26 years old and I've only dated one person. Moreover, only for 3 months
Japanese women are ignored or escaped even if they pick up
Have you... tried getting a gf? How many women except your family have you talked to in the last month?
Unfortunately, only one person is talking
Then that's your problem. Do you have an issue with approaching women? Like do you feel anxious and stuff?
He's Japanese dude; all of that goes without saying
That's why you fuck mentally ill hot girls
They have strange standards
artisANALLY fabricated for gargantuan ivory prick
Personally I can't read body language, I don't know if a woman wants me to approach her or not.
I have NEVER met one because I stay home all day
Simply cuz instead of talking to them, you're posting on a mongolian basket weaving forum.
to colonize Sakhalin
Japanese women don't talk about themselves. So be careful
>tfw no oriental gf
Please enlighten us on your 9/10 swedish gf. Let me guess, you plow tinder endlessly with fake staged photos of yourself on the off chance one of these walking vagina carriers will let you touch her.
all the women in my town are white trash or temporary employed
I have been talking to many of them and it always ends in rejection.
you can even easily pick up a Russian aboriginal girl
That's how the game works nowadays, you'll get a hundred NOs until you get a yes,
You just need to learn to deal with rejection and move on.
A IRL chad taught me that.
he was either bullshitting and making fun of you or he wasn't an actual chad
Did you sex in those 3 months?