>your country/city
>would it be safe to take a walk outside in the night?
Your country/city
Its a latin american city, user, you know the answer
Not Santiago but undisclosed city in the central region
Mostly safe, you just have to avoid certain neighborhoods and certain streets in downtown
It depends, if downtown no, if in a suburb probably yea
No, except for a few parts.
I don't live in the city I live in the middle of a desert. There is no danger of being mugged or attacked by a human but there is a danger of stepping on a rattlesnake or getting attacked by a mountain lion.
I live in a small comfy town where people mostly know each other (or are at least are familiar with each other's faces) and there's no outsiders, vagrants, etc so it's pretty safe. Once, I lost my house keys somewhere on the way back and decided to sleep on the bus stop till the next morning and nothing happened except a guy waking me up in the morning to ask me why I'm sleeping outside and that I'll catch a cold. Then I told him what happened and that I was waiting for my roommate to get back so he invited me to his house to stay until my roommate got back. Keep in mind, I didn't know this guy, I'd crossed paths with him a few times while walking around in the town but that was about it.
I feel pretty safe in my neighbourhood, even when buying cigs 3AM in a 24h store. This would be NOT safe downtown however.
Not sure