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International #1335
I will miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
/ita/ - il filo
Are non-arabs muslims mentally retarded? you literally have to learn arab to undestand your holy book and pray
The British Question?
Your thoughts on anime?
*Block your path*
Which country has the most attractive boys?
Do Americans really do this?
Are women in your cunt crazy?
Sverigetråden - Fira storkonungens dödsdag
What if all gaddafi pan-african/pan-arab union projects worked?
Who are the most privileged demographic in your country, Zig Forums?
Do you love Gerpan?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
/fr/ - le francofil
Why do americas do this?
Tell me about Quebec
Do danoids really?
/esp/ peliculas edition
How is NNN going for you, Zig Forums?
Why don't Denmark just sell it to USA?
4ch English Club
Just had gay sex
Do female coomers exist in your country?
You're chilling at the bar, when suddenly this man approaches you and offers you a drink
I'll miss you white people
Why do Norwegians and Finns discrimante the Sami people?
Tell me about your cunt's civil war(s)
Does your country eat rabbit meat?
As it turns out, Belgium is actually more advanced than the Netherlands
/fr/ - le francofile
Sverigetråden FYRA ABORTER-upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
/balt/ and /ausnz/ + tomodachi
Hey australians!
/tr/- recep baltaş edisyonu
/ישר/- /อิสร/- /isr/- /이스라/ + חברים
Americabros.... do other countries view us as a joke? Is the world laughing at us right now?
Literally subhuman filler "food"
Scotland's language is Teutonic
The German pizzeria
/v4/ + friends
Turkish girls
Umm... based department?
Why in Zig Forums don't exist Korean?
Imagine suffering as a firstie. You literally won the lotery of life and still manage to fuck up
Well Zig Forums, who has the right?
I am a Moroccan twink. My weight is 62 kg and my height is 180 cm. How do I gain weight...
What's the national dish of your country?
1. your cunt
Is it coincidence that nomadic groups such as Turkics and Berbers on mass disowned their paganism for Islam by their...
I'm a normie
Your thoughts on interslavic
Go to the netherlands
Best place to live in the Schengen area
Citizens of the EU, the Union failed, it didn't work out... everyone for themselves now
Be me, Taiwanese-American
Kurva anyátok
What will be the first country to have its language replaced by English in day to day speech?
If you don't support him you can fuck off from Thailand
German efficiency
U will never go to school in russia
Say opinion online
/ita/ - il filo
Previous:Thread:>>133539693 #
Your country
I noticed some Jews have this badass werewolf like phenotype
Do you think English is an ugly language? Yes
When he finally gets his steppe gf
Comfy Late Night Canada Thread
/brit/ aka /shit/
Just tried my first French cake (an opera cake). Tasted a little weird, but surprisingly addictive
What an absolute shitshow
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
It's happening!!!
What are the 2 worst states in the US?
I only exist because my dad had a fetish for asians, do you know how fucking shit it is to live every day knowing that?
What will your country be like in 50 years?
Things you learned from other countries via Zig Forums
Where do you see Japan and Korea in 20 years?
Who was the angriest person in your country's history?
/lang/ - Language Learning General
Why are incels obsessed with East-asians?
Who's the cutest person in your cunt's government?
Lads there's this cute fat arsed Portuguese girl in work, but our first conversation didn't go so well
/cum/ - Australia general
ITT: post your countrys rightful borders
Is it safe for a black person like to me to travel to Japan?
I hate ireland
Post some Zig Forums content
Trying to decide a language to get into learning this winter. What do you think I should learn, user?
Romans looked like THIS???
Sverigetråden - Håkanupplagan
19,000,000 minks to be burned alive in Denmark
What's college/uni life like in you're country?
Do Italians eat pasta every day and do this thing with their hands and wear wife beaters and gold chains?
Anyone else think the New York City skyline is complete shit?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Do larping thirdies actually think they can convince me that they suffer...
/fr/ - francofil
Do brazilians really
/nachtcrew/ ehemals /deutsch/ - Buhmerausgabe
I'm the loneliest nigga of this website
/dixie/ - SOVTHERN US & Friends
No caigáis en la trampa
Is learning another language cultural appropriation?
Be honest: would you ever date a black girl?
Is there a single good reason why you haven't converted to Islam yet?
Why do Arabs have noses like this?
The average american house mogs most of the ones in europe
Brexit literally leading to the end of the UK
Will you ever have kids, Zig Forums?
Pick one of your neighbour countries's neighbour country to live in
You will always be an ESL (sorry for my poor English btw)
Do European Muslims actually pray to Allah, or is Islam more of tribal label?
Did the argentinians stand a chance against the brits?
I am Taiwanese and love Japan. I wish Korea could get along with Japan to form an East Asian coalition...
It’s over whitebros
What are some controversial things that have happened in China that come to your mind?
Is any country immune to this?
If Samus was from earth, which country would she be from?
/lat/ hilo latino
Show me
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
Wish I was a Norwegian emigrating to US in the 50's
Could some french user translate this?
Foreign Military Interventions
Germany opinion thread
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Why don't arabs that come to europe just become non religious or convert to christianism?
/NEDERDRAAD/: Deens editie
Attracted to white women
/ita/ - il filo del duce
Your cunt
/cum/ - Canada USA Mexico
Cute little fella, right
Mexico is my favorite country in the world
They have been quite lately. What are they cooking?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
ITT:Statistical maps from your cunt
Is it normal for the sports coach to be the history teacher in other countries?
Ukrainian women
Explain to me how you suffer in your country
Post 1 Image that represents your cunt's military
What actually goes on here?
Is your country a tea or coffee kind of country?
Went from the creators of civilisation, to sandniggers living in mud huts
Do you like Spanish women?
Would I be considered intimidating in your country?
French cuisine
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Sverigetråden - Mysiga Visbyupplagan på vintern
What are your real thoughts on Americans, Zig Forums?
/fr/ - Le fil franc
What's up Zig Forums bros, what are you doing right now...
Which one would you like to be reborn in?
Do french people really smell bad or is it just memes
The last Hellenic kingdom was not in Greece
/ita/ - il filo
Has your country ever committed a war crime?
Why are Western children so disrespectful to their elders?
Has your country ever had a Civil War? Could you see it having one in your lifetime?
How Europeans identify
Can some Finn please post that pasta about Finnish conscript getting raped and turned into entire company's boyslut?
How do we get Polish bros to join civilised EVROPA?
Chinabros...not like this
Any germans online? I have a question
Why do colombians girls love BMC so much?
I am European before I am German, thank you
Sverigetråden - Giltiga upplagan
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
I love Mexico
Should Spain apologize and pay reparations for what they did during the colony?
Why do so many latinx identify with white nationalism?
When people say "western Europe", they think "rich, successful, relevant Europe"
Any one know this species of Mushrooms and why it's growing out my toilet?
Is censorship common in your country?
What was your country used to be about?
What do you call people from other countries?
Is lidl fashion popular in your country?
Do Russians really think that way?
/fr/ - le francofil
Is Zig Forums racist?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Do you love Serbia?
/ita/ - il filo di umaru
Your numbers Arabic, your letters Chinese
Why don't more muslim countries welcome uyghurs?
Let us back in pls
In Portugal if you want to say "God willing" in a single word you can just say "Oxalá"
What do weather girls look like in your cunt?
Sverigetråden - Incelupplagan
What happens in Gothenburg?
Is this frog considered a hate symbol in your country?
Can a Dutch person make a vocaroo of him speaking English? I want to laugh
What are they plotting right now?
Do you love the appeal of scandinavian blue eyed blonde women?
WTF I love Latinos and Hispanics now?
If nationalities and ethnic groups correlate with haplogroups and ancestry. What exactly is the problem...
Is Nepal an Iranic country?
/med/ - Mediterranean general
/balk/ Hashish thaqi edition
How did Indonesia end up being Muslim?
Portuguese people live in forests lmao
I don't get it
What keeps you from killing yourself?
Meet dutchman
You are now aware that the British pronounce pizza as "pit-sa"
Very soon bro’s we will be free
Why do mixed people and immigrants always seem to identify with their non-white side or side of the country they...
Will your country take them once they’re replaced?
Imagine having a big family where everyone follows traditional gender roles, that's all I want in life bros
Latinos.... Do white people hate us now?
Why can't they simply get independence? It would end all these conflicts in the Middle East
Frogs say quatre-vingt (four twenty) for 80
/fr/ - le francofil
Are big buff chicks common in youre cuntry?
/cum/ - Canada, USA, Mexico
Post the hottest males from your cunt
All according to plan
How does your country deal with the problem of gendered bathrooms?
What did he mean by this?
Kurva anyátok
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
What makes them so fascinating?
Non-whites be like
The Greek civilization is the oldest one that survived
The Danes invented insulin, dry-cell batteries and C++ amongst other things. Niels Bohr is a Dane too!
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Zig Forums decide who should i text and what should i say
Why aren't these guys as developed as the rest of Northern Europe?
Walk on the street
Why wont the Turks apologize to the Armenians?
Sverigetråden - Våldsamma stryktåliga upplagan
/ita/ - il filo
Why doesn't Russian smile at all ?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + lads
How would you react if your daughter came out as gay?
Med twink and his nordic daddy the movie
What is your cunt's equivalent to threatening a move to Canada (progressive) or Poland (reactionary)?
Daily reminder to get you a girl that RIDES bikes
Unfunniest, most underage and all-around worst poster Q3 2k20 :
Can any mutt explain why it takes three days to count votes in a state with 12 millions inhabitants?
French = Romans
Everyone loves Chinese food but hates Chinese people
Do people cosplay in your country?
The only two food cultures in the world are French/Mediterranean and Chinese. Everything else is a spinoff
/desi/ - moving to USA edition
How do people stop overeating and start losing weight in your country
Your cunt
Your country
In which country is this phenotype frequent?
Sverigetråden - Pepparkakeupplagan
/fr/ - le francofil
Indians, explain this. Why are elephants controlling your toll roads?
Hardest writing script in the world
How are you preparing for the chinese century?
How do you pronounce the name of this country? Shcotland or Scootland?
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/esp/ - Edición Desatranques Jaén
Do you love Israel?
1. Your country
2 days for counting your vote
/eag/ - 東亞 - East Asian General
Are Korean women pure virgins?
/brit/ in the hole
I will never marry white girl and probably end up settle for an asian insect woman
I want Tibees gf
How is this possible?
Your country
Why is the greatest part of Italy Calabria?
Be japanese american
Just found out that there are people who eat AFTER they've brushed their teeth
Why the fuck can't these types of mexicans move here
/desi/-Biden sir victorious
I'm curious what reactions I would get in your country/city
Does this picture accurately describe your country?
Here's ur anglo society bro
W-what's Zig Forums's average penis size? state yours, for statistical purposes only
Map thread
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Now that the dust has settled, would you pay 11000 Yen (105 USD) to worship a Japanese schoolgirl’s feet for one hour?
Why are non italians so naive?
Finland recognition thread
Most Greeks still dream of a greater Greece
Kurva anyátok
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why don't muslims just form a caliphate like in the good old days?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I want to marry Japanese princess bros
Why don't more people move here? Seems like an underrated country
How the fuck is it possible to suffer in europe? All of you are just larping, right?
What is yout ideal temperature?
Is this man considered white in your country? He says he is black
/ita/ - il filo
There was literally a time in burger history when it was perfectly legal to own this
Now that Civil War is unironically breaking out in the US, how will your cunt react?
What are they thinking right now?
Tfw from a Muzdog family
Why does Germany call their home the Fatherland whereas Russians call it Motherland?
Why are Italians so racist? Does being white just automatically make them hateful?
What happens in conservative long island
Post guns that symbolize your Cunt
If you had a time machine, which ancient civilisation would you like to visit?
/cum/ - Canada US Mexico
/fr/ - le francofil
Thank you uncle Joe
Is there really nothing better to do out in the steppe?
Will they lose their IP flag now that they will be absorbed into us?
Americans pay a shit ton of money just to go to university
Zig Forums here
Cultural devolution 2
Aiko: Bow down, you fools
Fuck turkey + fuck turks
How do American urbanites deal with the backwardness of their countryside peers?
This is California
Why are Chinese so thin skinned?
A man enters a restraurant and says to the man behind the counter
Tinnitus is getting louder
My country is older than yours
Most obvious coverup your country has done
Sverigetråden - Glassupplagan
Hey guys with all due respect
I think china probably isn't as bad as people say it is
Mfw I finally got corona
This is what power looks like
Your country/city
What happens here?
/nachtschicht/ später wieder /deutsch/
Reminder that china ruined 2020 for everybody
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
I feel America is getting weak
This is based. Guess why
My head hurts
Wonder what he is thinking right now?
The only language without an alphabet
/dixie/ - Southern US & Friends
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Jawlines worldwide
Eurofriends are going to start liking America again
Why do third world countries love white people so much?
Is your ideology winning in your country?
How is your Spanish?
DJT - Daily Japanese Thread #2446
I’ve been drafted to fight in the Karabakh war
/lat/ hilo latANO
/lat/ - hilo latino
What reputation do polish people have in western europe?
/fr/ - le francofil
/nachtschicht/ ehemals und morgen wieder /deutsch/
How often do you shower?
How does presidential vote work in your country?
How many languages do you speak?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
Would you let God fuck your gf/wife if he demanded it?
Why are americans always so tense?
Embarassing parts of your country
1. You're a cunt
Sverigetråden - Massiva upplagan
Why isnt this website banned in your country?
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
I wish the Byzantine empire survived
Pic related is the future of Europe and there is nothing, NOTHING seething brits, frogs and russians can do about it
/ita/ - il filo
Jesus Christ this fucking country I swear!
/fr/ - francofil
Do you love England?
Meeff threads
I'm about to turn 27, I never finished high school and have never worked a day in my life
This is the new leader of the free world
Can someone explain what happened in the gore-bush 2000s election that caused so much seethe?
Is this phenotype actually common in Serbia?
You wake up in Newcastle
Your cunt
/cum/ - canada usa mexico
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
/deutsch/ Liserausgabe
So I have saved enough money to be able to get circa 400 dollars a month via stock dividends for probably the rest of...
So my country is going to be liberal i guess
What language sounds the best to you?
Spaniards made Mexico a first world country and the 6th global economy
/fr/ - Le francofil des vrais kop1s
Last threads
/smg/ stock market general
White peoples make me sick
I can't believe it he gave it a 4/10
Video Games
Brit/pol/ - Everyone's Lazy Edition
Dominion Voting orders Sidney Powell retract ‘baseless and false allegations’ or will sue
Zig Forums General Drawthread
UPDATE: Got vaccinated 3 days ago
/fr/ - Le francofil
Pay close attention to this
No Source = no Soul
Video Games
Ban big trucks
When an anglophone tries to speak a foreign language
Why don’t you own an AR-15?
You WILL take the vaccine