If Samus was from earth, which country would she be from?

I would say Germany. She's blonde, has fair skin and is not a fatass like American chicks.


Attached: zeromission.jpg (402x368, 72.53K)

looks like a russian

Who's this girl, and why is she dressed like that Metroid guy?

She is Greek

It's Leather Suit Zelda

Sometimes her ass looks flat and unfit and sometimes it looks fluffy and delicious like in zero mission. Definitely unfit. I mean look at that thing. It's not firm at all.

She doesn't look at all like that elf boy. Unless you're talking about another Zelda game, I only played Zelda II (pic related).

Attached: zelda.jpg (318x159, 19.14K)

Blonde and badass? She is definatly russian


Can you please sober up before replying