Do you love Gerpan?
Do you love Gerpan?
I only like Japan, not Ger*Any.
These are uncomparable, Japan is a global cultural superpower influencing art, music, movies created and watched all over the world.
Germany doesn't create any valuable culture nowadays. I can't even remember if I ever watched a German movie or a cartoon and I live next to Germany.
sexual perversion
racial discrimination
We will always be allies.
Yes, give me my sauerkraut-sushi!
scat lover alliance
>These are uncomparable, Japan is a global cultural superpower influencing art, music, movies created and watched all over the world.
>Germany doesn't create any valuable culture nowadays. I can't even remember if I ever watched a German movie or a cartoon and I live next to Germany
You're missing out, Mariusz. German cinema is pretty good, ngl. Fire up your bittorrent client, for I will recommend you
>Das Leben der Anderen
>Lola Rennt
>Der Baader Meinhof Komplex
>Der Untergang
>Das Boot
>Goodbye Lenin
>German cinema is pretty good,
Every country has good movies but it doesn't change the fact that they don't influence the global culture and few people abroad watch them. Japan is one of few countries outside the Anglosphere that managed to spread its culture worldwide so it confirms how powerful culturally it must be.