Is it coincidence that nomadic groups such as Turkics and Berbers on mass disowned their paganism for Islam by their free will while societies with sedentary lifestyle like Spain, Greece, Italy, Iran and India offered heavy resistance?
Is it coincidence that nomadic groups such as Turkics and Berbers on mass disowned their paganism for Islam by their...
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>nomadic groups
Europeans resisted Islam because they were already Christians. I still don't know why India didn't succumb to Islam though.
Aryans were a savage barbarian race equivalent to Muslims and their culture one way or another was passed down to the Hindus which created enough military power to blockade or delay islamisation. By the time the Muslims had captured key regions, the anti-Muslim feeling in the population had already set.
Yes the fact that subcontinent was under Islam for almost 900 years but 70% of subcontinent still follows religions derived from dharma is quite surprising.
nomad Berbers are called the Tuareg (dey also black doe)
Also keep in mind that Pakistan and Afghanistan were not Hindu. Only their ruling/military class was Hindu before Islam. Muslims defeated Hindu shahis in Afghanistan and Brahmin dynasty in Sindh. The population was Buddhist which submitted to Islamic conquerors.
Guess it was a blessing Buddhism was dismantled by maharaja and warrior spirit was kept otherwise you'd be like Afghanistan which was 90% Buddhist when Arabs arrived.
Syria and Egypt were Christian, too