/med/ - Mediterranean general

Titty Thursday edition


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Hello fren

Attached: seks.webm (480x852, 2.37M)

I don't think so.
Hi fren.

Why do cameras get better and better but pics get lower and lower res?

Quality is shit after multiple savings


goddess of fertility right there

The Greek.

Attached: 1604594112846.gif (810x810, 1.77M)


>tfw she has a daughter

Attached: 1604352514107.jpg (1512x1080, 246.16K)

looks like a religiously passionate woman

Where girls show to the world how shitty they are at dancing
[spoiler]dem tiddys doe[/spoiler]

>leafs are this stupid

The "dances" are just tiddy bouncing moves poorly disguised as dances for men of culture of enjoy.

Ah that face. So cute.

>tfw ded feet

i'm not a negroe tho

>tfw no med gf

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someone save me from this suffering

Attached: 1597191402152.webm (640x900, 2.26M)

Imagine putting your willy between those

You are now.
A man can dream.

This looks like the idea scenario.

Attached: 1604593522024.png (990x1000, 1.66M)

i thought he was in a bellend from the thumbnail

i can't even tan tho

Attached: ο αρχιτεκτων.jpg (720x962, 100.53K)

>i thought he was in a bellend from the thumbnail
Kek he's in a far better place.

>i can't even tan tho
To be honest I intended to say that the fatty is someone you'd want to exchange pleasantries with.

looks slutty, idk, not my type

I'll give her a good pumping then.

yes, she can be yours

A man can dream.

speaking of dreams
>I was given a supernatural trunk (like of an elephant)
>made me be able to jump really high and able to grab everything, like spiderman
>saw gym queen
>stole her jacket and climbed to a house terrace
>alarm went off before i could sniff it properly
even in dreams, i must SVFFER

Attached: splat splood.png (676x581, 429.91K)

Is this the Greek fascist girl

>alarm went off before i could sniff it properly
I'd be fucking pissed.

Not that facist, just don't like Macedonia have that name



post more tiktok tiddies