Can a Dutch person make a vocaroo of him speaking English? I want to laugh

Can a Dutch person make a vocaroo of him speaking English? I want to laugh

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zoek gewoon op jijbuis jij domme belg


Make it yourself, youre basically a dutch.

Not if you're going to laugh at me

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Nah I feel like dutchoids sound even more retarded in English

Seriejuslie, de boelliejing ahgenst Dutsj memburs of Zig Forums is gettin wee out of hend, espesjallie sins de Dutsj ar som of de biggust kontribjoetors end most involft in dis boord.

Its not djust "miems" or "bantur", its visjus attekking end regardlus of intensjuns it dos diemien piepol end hurt fielings. IJ ken't see IJ'm de onlie Dutsj men hoe finds it hard toe teek prijd in hish own kountrie aftur hevving jeers of konstunt end niedlus atteks diefeming mij heritutsj from insekjur insels hier. Wij not boellie IJrisj or Argentiniejuns? Doe dey not hef mutsj moor toe bie asjeemd of den our kountrie? Sendn*ggurs get boellied les dan us end jet we ar de biggust kontribjoetors toe dis boord.

Lijk wen its not djust bantur, wen a miem is riepiettud ovur end ovur agen, riepietted sistumaticallie, it ieventjoeallie bekoms a troef irriegardlus of de intensjuns in riepietting it. End det isn't djust djooks ennie moor den, den its harmfol!

Woed joe tel a Dutsj men "ik ook" toe his fees? Woed joe see toe ee kijnd, piesfol end hard working solt of de urf Dutsj men dat deir lengwadj is a "kakofonie of gutturol garbadj worty of bieïng joest es tortjur et Gwantanamo"? Lijk it's a fing. Woed joe see dose wurds toe jor fello Zig Forumsellectjoeals? Ar joe starting toe fiel asjemd nauw? Joe fokking feggut?
Joor diestrooiing Dutsj prijd, Joor divijding Zig Forumsellectjoeals agenst ietsj odder, joor doeïng de opposit of wat joe kleem toe support wen joe engeedj in dis incrediblie ebhorrunt behavjor. So IJ enkurradj joe toe stop nauw.

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>denkt dat hij geen accent heeft

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He actually has a fetish for dutch, he is just masking it.

O-ok kinda w-wierd tho

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