Is it normal for the sports coach to be the history teacher in other countries?
Is it normal for the sports coach to be the history teacher in other countries?
Had a math teacher that once coached the Florida State Seminoles. He was the most miserable and angry man I ever met. He would just watch football during class and made us refer to our books god help you if you asked for help he was clearly really fucking angry that was what he had to do in his twilight years.
>mfw remembering in Grade 12 calculus, my old gym teacher walked in with a math textbook and asked our teacher some things out in the hall
>mfw the gym teacher was also teaching Grade 9 math and was very likely asking our actual math teacher how to solve a problem
Well, in Japan, it's PE teachers who are in charge of sexual education classes most of the time.
I'm not even memeing.
no they teach geography here
All my history teachers were old catholic ladies and one French-Armenian man who was god tier very religious but very impartial when it came to the actual subject of history.
They hire you as a teacher, then teachers can also volunteer to coach kids sports for extra pay.
My chem teacher coached the swim team. But he didn't have a degree in swimming, his degree was in chemistry.
Not common but also not unheard. Difference is though here teachers aren't retarded.
Yes because teaching history is over saturated so you'll often need to do sports on the side to get the job
The teacher of my AV class was a basketball coach. He didn't even do anything, just sat at his desk with an entourage of jocks watching ESPN highlights.
it's the same here, they're always so fucking awkward
that's how it was here but sexual education was a joke
This was my shop teacher. Motherfucker did not even know how to change a tire.
No. But We had a lesbian couple for coaches in my hometown's school.
Pretty cool, were they attractive ?
90% of Hungarian teachers teach two subjects. It's possible to encounter a History/PE teacher.
shithole i grew up in had a teacher in secondary school who was also a soccer coach for the same age, 13 to 16 i think.
it took some years but finally some from the girl team stood up and took him to court, he had been railing them regulary since they where 13
yep, that's normal here too
We had a demented old dean who was also our history teacher and her sister was and probably still is married to the governor. She didn't care about history at all and instead of history classes we did gardening. It only lasted for 2 years unfortunately
>AV class
ke fuck?
In elementary school teachers even teach all classes de facto, except for sports and music maybe
Audio/Visual class, learning a little basic electronics, how to work a video camera, edit sound, that kind of thing. It's called other things nowadays.
wait what? Is that really a thing?
Good thing I had paradox to teach me history
Why is this the case? It’s true here too
You cant get a degree in swimming. Maybe if you paid attention in school you would know that and have a degree of your own.
No it's still called A/V
Pretty sure then drivers ed teacher at my high school was one of the football coaches. The weights teacher was a former NFL player and he was a coach too
The new US senator from Alabama was a football coach
all the best teachers I had were coaches though
You can and usually we have 2 of them but we have 3 basic ones.
Not true in my case. The coaches were drivers ed and english teachers
here it's external advisors, usually doctors, who go from school to school, I still remember their lecture in elementary school, when I learned what a period was, later at recess I went around the class asking the girls if they had the period, the teacher and the doctor scolded me in front of the whole class for it, one of my earliest cringe moments.