Fuck those skinny buildings. Ruined the entire skyline just so some rich faggots could buy another condo.
Anyone else think the New York City skyline is complete shit?
If only it was them and not chinks using buildings to launder their money. I honestly can't comprehend how a real estate company is selling a fucking crack house in the bronx for 1 million dollars. Craziest part is the a family bought it and had to repair it completely.
rectangle favella
>everyone just building whatever random individual nonsense he wants, with zero regards for everything else around it
it honestly looks like some sort of a minecraft server populated by spoiled 12 year olds
you know how all those antique greek buildings had the same columns, or how all those roman houses had those red roof tiles or how all byzantine buildings had mosaics or how all those gothic buildings looked so cool?
this shit has none of that feeling, rectangle favella
What's to like about a sea of glass and metal? Obviously it can look beautiful in certain areas but overall there's nothing beautiful about it.
Those skinny buildings are hideous.
Wtf is this shit? Looks like something from Korea or somthn
Are all those offices? Where does the average Joe live who is not some big shot finance guy?
Wait those are real?
Might be moving to NYC next year lads
Wish me luck